Chapter Fifty One

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After Matt showered, shaved, and dressed in a light grey suit with a spring green tie, Manny drove us down to the Federal building. Matt held my hand as we walked into the judge's office at the federal building, in the other hand Matt carried a leather folio. Judge Calvin Porter was a family friend of Matt's parents. They'd all gone to the same boarding school and their families had established a lifelong connection. Matt admitted everyone became part of an exclusive club of elite individuals who contributed greatly to the progress of each other and their offspring. Matt told me that in his world, it wasn't about what you know, but who you know. 

Judge Porter had been a federal judge for the last eleven years and would be able to make our marriage legal and file the certificate for us. From the folio, Matt pulled out the marriage certificate we'd obtained before I was forced to change my mind. The certificate had not expired, having a few more weeks of validity.

While the ceremony was simple, I still felt a lot of love coursing between us. It was a loving and intimate moment of voicing our solemn vows to each other in the civil ceremony. We kissed longingly. Judge Porter had to clear his throat to stop us from being consumed by each other. We apologized, smiling sheepishly. I hugged him and Matt shook his hand. Before we left the building, we kissed deeply. I felt so much love, and another emotion coursed through me: regret. I regretted the time lost, despite it only being a month apart.

Manny waited for us outside. We had an hour before we'd have to go to the meeting with the board. We went for drinks at a restaurant and ate appetizers before the big confrontation with the Pentagon men. Live music played, and when people started dancing to the live band in the open space of the restaurant, Matt and I joined along. It was fun dancing close and intermittently kissing to the Reggae beat. I couldn't have asked for a better wedding ceremony and reception.

Yet, my thoughts never traveled far from the reveal, and I got a little nauseated. Matt looked at his cellphone.

"It's time to go. Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded, clutching my purse tightly under my arm.

We'd already discussed how the meeting would be conducted. I would take the lead, and Matt would then take over. We entered the restaurant, holding hands. I must've gripped him tightly because he asked if I was okay.

We were on an actual ship with dark woods and nautical decor. The restaurant swayed imperceptibly, but it was enough for me to notice. The hostess walked us to a side room where she told us everyone was already gathered. She led us to the room where the board was meeting. Matt took my hand, kissed the back, and whispered, "I love you." I nodded and pulled the door open.

I entered first. Everyone was already there: Brady, Kent, Lark, and Zipper. Their faces changed when they saw Matt walk in behind me. "Good evening." I extended to everyone with a smile. I kept my rock-covered hand out of sight.

"Matt?" Kent was the first to break the quiet. "What brings you to the meeting?"

"Actually, Kent, I'm escorting Matt to this meeting because I'm no longer a board member."

"What do you mean?" Brady asked. I turned to look at him.

"I've returned the shares to Matt. He now holds control over his shares. I no longer have designee rights. He's restored on the board, which is what you all wanted right?" I looked at Brady, and then turned my attention to the rest of Matt's friends. They looked surprised.

"The only way that was supposed to happen is if you two got married." Zipper chimed in. 

I nodded. 

Matt spoke up. "That's right. We got married this afternoon. We realized we're better together than apart. She will remain in her position at Pentagon. It's about time my shares are represented within the company. Perla will remain as VP per her contract terms and rights. None of you have ever complained about her performance. In fact, I've heard nothing but praise for how she's changed the design and marketing strategy of the project. As my friends, I'm sure you're happy for us."

"Of course, Matty." Zipper beamed and walked over to him, giving him a big bear hug. I laughed when Zipper unsuccessfully tried to pick him up. Zipper walked to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug, congratulating me in my ear. I nodded and smiled. Kent embraced Matt, patting him vigorously on the back. He came to me and extended his hand for a shake. We'd gotten off on the wrong foot, but I could tell he was happy for us. 

"Matty, congrats!" Lark said, walking to him with an extended hand. Matt took his hand and hugged him.

"Birdie, I'm sorry for last time. Thank you for supporting me." Matt said as he held Lark in his arms. Lark nodded, leaning in for another hug.

Despite the love from Matt's three friends. There was still a chill in the air. 

"Brady? No congrats from you?" Matt asked. Brady looked at him. His face was devoid of emotion. When Kent slapped him on the shoulder, Brady seemed to come out of a trance.

"Congratulations to the both of you." Brady said irritably. He made no moves to offer his hand in congratulations or a hug. Everyone remained quiet for a few beats.

"Why don't you see where the ladies are dining? Wait for us there. We have a lot to talk about." Matt kissed me. I looked nervously at him. "It's okay, babe." He whispered, assurance in his eyes. I gave him one final peck and stepped out of the room, wishing I were a fly.

I went back to the front room and found a hostess. The same young lady walked me to the dining area upstairs where the girlfriends were awaiting the men. I smiled at the thought I was the only wife. Even Brigit would be surprised to see me, wearing my large diamond engagement ring which also served as my wedding ring.

Jenna, Zipper's girlfriend, was the first to spot me. "Oh my God. What are you doing here?"

"Hi, Jenna. Nice to see you again." I beamed, completely ignoring the three women standing in the corner.

"Zipper said you'd be meeting with them and wouldn't join us for dinner."

"A change in plans. I'm actually no longer on the board." I said loud enough for the women to hear. Clearly, Brigit was interested as she stopped the conversation and listened intently as I spoke to Jenna. "I returned the shares to Matt. I get to keep my position and work at the company."

"Are you two back together?" Jenna asked. Her brows furrowed inquisitively.

"More than that—We just got married." I raised my hand up to my face showing her my ring."

"Oh my God. Congratulations." She said, pulling me into a hug. That's crazy. Where is he?" Jenna asked.

"I left him with his friends." Using the word friends in hopes he would be welcomed and treated as such, especially by Brady. I looked over at the other ladies when I heard a sucking noise from the section where they stood. I noticed the two girls flanking Brigit were not the same women as last time. One of the girls smiled and was a tall, curvy girl, which was not the usual type for any of the other three men. I excused myself from Jenna and walked over to the ladies.

"Hi. I'm Perla Mercurio Keene." I said easily as I looked at the kind woman, extending my hand.

"Hello. I'm Aria Tenor. Please don't make fun of the name. My father was a musician and thought naming me Aria would be funny with a last name of Tenor." I smiled.

"That's brilliant. It's my pleasure to meet you. Who are you here with?" I asked.

"Kent. Surprised? I'm sure." She winked when I gave her a look of surprise.

"How did you two meet?"

"It's a long story. Let's just say he broke me down." I laughed.

I turned to the other girl and smiled. "I'm Chloe Daniels. I'm with Lark." I shook her hand, and the firmness was a lot better than the last girls.

"Brigit." I nodded and gave a curt smile.

"I hear congratulations are in order," Brigit stated. 

I nodded. "Yes. I'm married now. It seems he wants to use me for an extended period of time." I smiled. Brigit took a drink from her snifter.

"The other girls extended their 'congratulations'. As I recounted my wedding ceremony, Jenna and Aria took interest in my story. The other two women went and sat at the table, engaged in their own conversation. It was nice to talk to two women who were kind and interesting. During our chat, I wondered what Matt and the rest of the Pentagon men were talking about.

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