Chapter Twenty Nine

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As I sat reading the newspaper and drinking my coffee early in the morning, I received a phone call from the security detail I had placed on Perla. They'd been surveilling and protecting her since she'd decided to take my shares to work at Pentagon. I quickly calculated it was after four o'clock in the morning. Jumping from my chair, I answered quickly.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Dr. Keene. It's Ken. I want to assure you Feather is fine, but there was an incident an hour ago."

"What happened?" I asked gruffly. I listened intently as Ken, her evening bodyguard who was supposed to stay incognito, saved her from a kidnapping attempt by crashing into the getaway car. The kidnapper fled the vehicle as Ken recovered from the crash. I felt an ache when he told me she was driven by ambulance to the hospital. He'd seen the results after the crash, and she was bruised, suffered minor cuts, and apparently had a concussion. She was transported to the local hospital where Ken went as soon as he was allowed to go by police, and was waiting to visit her during visiting hours. Because he wasn't family, he'd been denied any information on her status. My mind raced as I figured out my next steps. I could've rented a plane to take me back to Boston, having sent my plane and crew back to the States. However, I wasn't due to return until the end of next week, but I needed to see her—regardless of what she put me through.

"She's a smart woman, sir. She broke the passenger window and kicked it out while the guy was driving on the highway. She tried to escape through the window, flagging cars down for help. When she saw me following behind them, she waved for help. She's tough, sir. She'll be okay. I'll check in on her during visiting hours." Ken offered.

"One last thing, sir. She has seen me and spoken to me. She doesn't know I've been tailing her for the last couple of weeks, but in trying to keep her conscious for the ambulance, I had to keep her company." Ken said meekly. I sighed. I didn't want the security to get involved unless absolutely necessary. I was appreciative he broke his undercover status to keep her company.

"Thank you, Ken... Just keep her safe. Make sure the day guard ensures no one harms her. Keep me posted when you find something out." After his assurances he would, we hung up.

I scrolled through my phone, seeking Dr. Harvey Baylis's phone number. As our personal concierge doctor, he makes himself available at any time of day we call. He answered immediately. I apologized profusely for the late hour of my call. I gave him all the information and he assured me he would call the hospital for details, and go early in the morning to observe her himself. I thanked him for his time. I desperately wanted to know what was happening and waited impatiently for his return call. 

Within half an hour, Dr. Baylis confirmed Perla had suffered a concussion, bruising of her ribs, some superficial cuts, and bruises to the face and arms. She had elevated alcohol in her system, which I knew to be uncommon for her, and she was given an intravenous line to rehydrate. I asked for an update when she woke up and he had a chance to speak to her, and he agreed.

I dialed Zipper next, not caring about the time. He picked up after many rings, but before it went to voicemail. "I'm going to have to turn this shit off before I go to bed."

"Stop whining, you little prick. There was an attempt to kidnap Perla tonight. Do you have any idea which one of those fuckers may have tried to take her out?" I asked without any hesitation in accusing my longtime friends of such a heinous act.

"What? What happened?" I told him everything, sparing no details, and included information about the call I made to our doctor.

"We all signed the employment contract tonight . . . rather, yesterday. The only delay was Lark. I hadn't heard of any plans to delay the contract. In the grand scheme of things, Perla's an asset, not a liability. I've already updated you on how she impressed us with her change of plans for Pentagram. We've all agreed to her new design concept and as soon as she starts working on Wednesday, she's expected to hit the ground running with design meetings and construction schedules. Even Brady was impressed with her report. She's not costing the company any more than it will be making. All is fine. I think you need to let go of the idea one of us is out to hurt her." Zipper argued. I wasn't convinced.

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