Chapter Fifty Three

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Matt and I didn't talk on the ride home. There was so much to say and not much energy to have a heavy discussion. Bringing a long-buried memory to the surface was like digging heavy dirt and exhuming a buried body. I rarely thought of Shay— Brady, but now I couldn't stop thinking about the sweet boy who cared about me so many years ago as the same man who hurt me. If he claimed to love me, then why did he try to destroy me?

Manny dropped us off in front of my apartment. I asked Matt to take me to my place, even though he expected me to return to his home. I need a comforting place to spend some time. I was too numb to consider I was spending my wedding night in a pseudo-catatonic state. From one moment to the next, I was in my bedroom. I slipped off my dress. 

Matt carried my heels into my closet. He picked up my dress from the floor, which I let fall at my feet. He remained quiet. I figured he had very little to say on the matter. Or maybe he felt some guilt for taking me away from Brady. However, neither of us should have felt guilty about the odd turn of events. We were unaware of Brady's true intentions or feelings for me. 

My brain was in a fog, and I could no longer process the events of the day. I climbed into bed and threw the covers over my head, shutting the world out for the night.

I woke up in the middle of the night and felt Matt beside me. His back was turned. I turned around and snuggled into his warm body. He was nude. I spooned close. He stirred and grabbed my hand, enclosing it in his large arms and bringing it tight to his chest. I gently kissed his back, and he shivered slightly. I loved making him react that way.

He turned around and found my mouth through the darkness of the cocoon which was our bed. His kisses were sweet and tender. The loving, tender, and emotional Matt showed up at the moment when I needed the safety of his love. We made love until both of us found our release, falling asleep naked in each other's arms.

When I awoke in the morning, I extricated myself from our interwoven limbs. Matt stirred and turned into his favorite side sleeping position. I smiled as I looked down at him. My ring firmly placed on my finger was a reminder we were now husband and wife. We hadn't discussed where we were going to live since I had my own apartment. There was so much to talk about and plan. However, I was still reeling from last night's revelations. I went to the bathroom, freshened myself up and readied myself to make us breakfast.

When I went to the kitchen, I noticed the brown paper bag Matt brought in yesterday still set on the counter. I looked inside to find a couple of chocolate croissants and a few plain croissants. I decided against making my pancakes because it was Sunday, and I had fallen out of my usual Saturday midmorning routine. After setting the coffeemaker to make a pot of coffee, I pulled out some bacon and eggs from the fridge. I realized I didn't have cream for him, but he'd have to suck it up and use my almond milk or nothing at all.

The combination of bacon and coffee wafting through the air must've awoken Matt. He walked out as I was setting up a plate for him. "Where's my breakfast, wife?" He bellowed as I turned off the burners. Laughing, I found it extremely funny and odd to be called wife. The levity broke the stress I was feeling.

"Good morning, babe." I greeted. He pressed his soft lips to mine. "Let me get you a mug for your coffee. I don't have cream, so you're shit out of luck." 

He sucked his teeth. "I'll just take some of your nut milk." He stood behind the high counter, waiting for his coffee. I set up his mug as I knew how he preferred his drink, passing it to him when I was done.

"Thank you." He stated. "How are you?" He sounded tentative and unsure of my response. I placed the plate of food in front of him. He dove into a piece of bacon.

Unbound, Boundless Series, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now