Chapter Fifty Six

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It was so quiet in the SUV as we rode to where Eric and my captor were driving me. I could hear my own galloping heartbeat within my chest. With Eric in the back of the truck with me, I dared not try to escape once again. I feared to speak, but my mind kept telling me to fight for my life. It was important to try to find out where Eric was taking me.

"Where are we going?" I asked Eric. He ignored me, looking arrogant and angry as he sat in the sumptuous black leather bench seat. "Please, Eric. If I meant anything to you, you'll just tell me where we're going."

"That's the thing, Perla. You don't mean anything to me. You're just a job. I'm following orders. You'll know where you're going as soon as we get there."

"Whose orders are you following?" I asked. Eric remained quiet, looking ahead without any indication he would answer me. "Is it Brady Clay? Did he put you up to this? If he hired you to do this, I can pay you more. I'm sure my husband and I can come up with the money you need to let me walk away. I promise..."

"Your husband..." He smirked. "Your husband used you, or did you forget? Your husband treated you like a common whore, using you for the access and information you had, which he used against you. You chose him despite the truth. I gave you the information to walk away. You didn't. You used the information to your advantage, had me edit a sex tape, and got him to marry you. You're not the woman I thought you were. Now, my boss wants you to pay for your mistakes."

"You're party to kidnapping?"

"What kidnapping?" Eric shrugged. "I'm escorting one client to see another client who has a shared interest."

"Are you taking me to Brady? If you are, you should know he's done everything in his power to destroy my life. I think he's obsessed with me. If you take me to him, I might be harmed. Please, don't do this." I pleaded with him, hoping to tap into his empathetic nature. Eric ignored me the rest of the time. Everything I'd ever read or heard about kidnappings was summarized by one thing, never let them take you to another location. 

I tried the door handle as I'd done weeks ago. The lock didn't budge and the door didn't click open, sealing me in like a casket. 

"You won't be able to escape this time. Also, the windows are reinforced." The windows were heavily tinted, which made it difficult for me to see out and determine our location. "You're riding just like the President of the United States. No expense was spared this time in taking you to your final destination. I must say, you're quite clever and strong to have foiled Tony. He's the best driver in the Northeast. Unfortunately, we didn't know you had bodyguards watching over you. Your 'husband' was smart to put a team on you. But they weren't smart enough to ensure to keep at least one guard with you at all times," Eric concluded. 

The tears welled in my eyes. All I could do was say a little prayer that I suffer little, my family recovers from my loss, and Matt not feel guilty and find love again.

A buzz broke the quiet. Eric pulled his phone from the side holder. He looked at me and said, "We're here." I furrowed my brow. The car pulled to a stop. Eric got out of the car first, slamming the door behind him. I tried to open the handle once again, and the door opened. Outside stood my captor, Tony. He extended his hand to have me exit the vehicle. I refused to be touched by him and exited the car on my own. 

I heard the sound of engines whirring in the background. When I turned, a private plane's propellers spun, preparing for takeoff or had just landed—I wasn't sure. But one thing I knew for certain, I was at the airport and I was going to be taken far away from everyone and everything I'd ever know and loved.


Jagged sobs made my body tremble. I was going to be taken away from my husband when we should have been flying together on our honeymoon. 

I swayed, stumbling as if drunk from the fear that consumed me. 

Eric grabbed my arm and Tony sidled up to my other side and held onto me. They walked me toward the steps of the plane. I tried to break free from their grip, but they were strong and demanding. 

When we approached, I saw a figure walking down the steps. 

My vision adjusted in the bright light of the sun. When I focused on the apparition before me, I realized it was a woman. 

I gasped and uttered, "The bitch is back."

Feeling like I was walking through a tunnel, I saw darkness fading the image before me. My legs collapsed under me, and everything went black.

To Be Continued . . .


I've published Ravishing Reads by Rosemary Rey (see the link below), a series of short stories that were either rejected by Anthologies, tucked away in my USB memory stick, or new ideas that are too short to be a Romance novel. These are steamy, erotica shorts for a mature audience. If you do decide to read Ravishing Reads, please vote and comment to let me know your thoughts. Add the Work to your Reading List so you may receive updates when a new story is published. Please share the links with your followers so I may be able to keep producing more work on Wattpad. My hope is to one day be made a Creator. For as much as I'd love to bring you free stories, I'd love to become a paid creator in the near future. Please enjoy the first short story, Snug Fit by Rosemary Rey.

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