Chapter Fifty Four

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When I returned to Pentagon headquarters, Gill required details of the ceremony. I dared not reveal Brady's manipulation of my life, which led to Matt's confrontation at the Pentagon board's meeting. I had a couple of morning meetings with staff about the rest of the week. We wrapped the sessions and I was scheduled to take a tour of the construction site. I changed into dark jeans because I didn't want to ruin my pretty skirt. 

Gill handed me a large tote bag. When I peeked inside, a hard hat labeled Keene and steel-toe boots were inside. I marveled at his efficiency and hugged him on my way toward the elevator.

Josh at the front desk called Manny who waited outside with me for him to arrive. Before we departed, I thanked Josh for taking care of me and said I was sorry for being too independent for my own good. He was surprised by my apology. He settled in the passenger seat next to Manny. 

Manny drove us to the site and told me to call him as soon as I was done. He would pick me up right where he left me, in front of the entrance of the construction zone. There were two large trailers, which served as offices inside of the gate. I agreed to call him. I asked Josh to remain with Manny, not wanting the liability of another person to tour an active construction site. He pinged my executive phone with his contact information, in case I needed him while on the tour.

The team of observers went through the tour, led by the foreman of the project. Nickel walked with me and added extra bits of information he felt he needed to further explain. Everything was coming along as planned. The designers were working with the new architects for the newly designed waterpark in the Light Tower. I was excited to meet the team who came all the way from the West Coast to take the tour. They were excited by the project. They had many ideas for the style and colors to go with our mystical design. When we were done with the tour, Nickel led me toward the trailer to his office. He introduced me to the staff, and we walked into his space.

"So tell me about the huge diamond on your finger," he said. Instantly, I touched my ring with the opposing thumb and remained silent for a beat too long. "I guess you got engaged this weekend . . . to, the doctor?"

"Actually, we got married." I could have blown him over with a feather. When he didn't say anything, I chimed in, "I know what you're thinking. Sudden. Crazy. Unrealistic... But I'm tired of conforming to other people's rules. I love him. He loves me."

"Well, if you're happy. I'm happy for you. I'm just sorry I didn't get a chance to ask you out. I have to confess, I'd been pining for you for years, but you were married. I thought this was my chance." He shrugged. 

The flattering comment made my body heat, but Nickel and I were never meant to be. "Nickel, you'll find a woman who is much better for you. What about Jude? She's a sweetheart. You two seemed to hit it off."

"I don't know. I may have messed up," he admitted. I rolled my eyes.

"It's only been two days. How bad could it have gone?" I asked.

"We didn't do anything, which may have been the problem. We talked all night. I took her home. She gave me her number. And I haven't called or texted." He said guiltily.

"Ugh, you men should not play by antiquated rules of the game. Give her a call. Ask her out. She's beautiful, smart, and great at real estate, which you two have as a common interest. Don't fail her or me." I winked. "I have to get back to work for afternoon meetings. I will see you at the next meeting or tour." We hugged. He congratulated me again. 

I said my 'goodbyes' to the staff as I made my way out of the trailer. I pulled out my cell phone to call Manny.

My phone was pulled out of my hand. I turned to see Eric standing next to me, holding my phone. I exhaled a sigh of relief at seeing him. Before confirming his presence, I thought I was being attacked.

"Eric? How are you?"

"Good. Do you need a ride back to the office?"

"Yes, but I have a driver. If you give me back my phone, I'm just going to give him a call."

"I can drive you. Spare him from having to come all the way out here," Eric responded.

"No. He should be around. My phone, please." I extended my hand. Eric put my work phone in his back pocket."

"I think we should talk as I drive you. You owe me that much."

"We can talk when we're back in the office," I countered, not wanting to spend any time alone with him. Eric grabbed my arm and tightened his grip around my flesh.

"Eric, what are you doing?" I asked. Fear seized me.

"I need you to come with me, Perla. You'll be okay, but I need you to come with me, please." Not feeling like I had much of a choice, I didn't resist when Eric pulled me away from the entrance where I was to meet Manny. 

I had my other cell phone with me, but I didn't want to alert Eric to my having one in my possession. Eric led me to a black SUV at the opposite end of the construction site. He opened the door for me to enter, and I slid in, sitting on the end of the bench seating. Eric entered and closed the door, sitting beside me. He wasn't driving.

I looked to the driver's side. There was a clear partition. I flashed to the night I was held captive by the cab driver. I looked in the driver's rearview mirror and stared into the eyes of my captor. I could never forget his deep-set eyes with the thick eyebrows. His eyes curled upward at the corners. He was smiling at me in recognition or salutation, I couldn't tell. 

As I gazed at the criminal driving us away, I hadn't noticed when Eric had put the seat belt on me. When the car started moving, I realized the man I trusted with protecting me and Matt by editing the sex tape had just conspired with my captor to abduct me.

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