Chapter Forty

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With Nick gone, I turned my attention to Matt. His eyes were narrowed and his jaw flexed. "Nickel? You have a pet name for him?" He asked.

"That's his given name. Long story. He goes by Nick personally and professionally."

"But you call him Nickel? It seemed a little intimate." He gazed at me, calculating my reaction. I was impassive in my look. 

True to my nature, I changed the topic of conversation. "What can I do for you, Matt?" I asked, hoping to get rid of him as soon as possible. He had the ability to melt my insides with lust, but boil my blood in anger. I've yet to recover from the intense orgasms he gave me weeks ago. Every time my body shivered at the memory, I reminded myself of his betrayal to quell my hunger for him.

"I'm having lunch with Kent," he informed. "You can join us."

"No. Thank you. Enjoy your lunch." I turned on my heels. He grabbed at my elbow.

"Matt . . ." I shook my head, "I have a lot to do. Excuse me." I pulled away and rubbed my elbow to remove the lingering feel of his touch.

"I hear you spend sunup to sundown in this place. How is this job supposed to make your life easier and more leisurely?" He asked seriously, reminding me of the reason I kept Matt's Pentagon shares.

"I came into the project much too late to take breaks. Once I get a few things squared away, I'll be easing back . . . Are you spying on me?" I asked annoyed, crossing my arms for effect, which had the unintended effect of pushing my already large breasts together and out. I saw his vision dip to look at my pronounced cleavage, and he bit his bottom lip in response.

"No. I get updates. I'm making sure you're being treated well. I don't want a particular video and article released." Matt casually informed. My insides roiled at the memory of my threatening to release the edited sex video if I weren't treated appropriately by the other shareholders. I composed myself and started walking toward my office. Matt followed. "Pentagon is still my company. You may hold the shares, but you still have to answer to me.

"What?" My pulse raced.

"Did you forget the part in the legal transfer which requires you to meet with me at least once a week to discuss how the business is faring?" He reminded me of the clause in which I was still tied to him, even if we weren't in a romantic relationship. I figured nothing in this world was given for free and without binding a person to another, and gaining twenty percent shared ownership of a billion-dollar corporation was no exception.

I exhaled loudly, refraining from grunting my disapproval. I checked my wristwatch and saw it was nearing noon. I hadn't eaten a filling breakfast. Gill planned to grab me a salad to eat at my desk. "I can't have lunch with you on such short notice. I can schedule you in for some time this week."

"Great." He grinned, showing me his beautiful, straight teeth. His face was different without the graying beard. His sister Stella was right, his dimples were better displayed without the facial hair, but it didn't bring me any comfort. The notion that he may have changed his appearance to appeal to other women made me sick, and I pivoted to turn away.

"Follow me," I said as I walked off.

"Always," he replied.

I rolled my eyes as I led the way to my beautiful office, which I still marveled about having a large quiet office with a spectacular view of the city.

"Matt?" My assistant, Andrea, called out from behind her desk. "Nice to see you again." She said as she leered over his body. I was surprised Andrea knew him and was so familiar as to call him by his first name. I was more concerned by the way she eyed his visage, like a hungry lioness ready to pounce on her prey.

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