Chapter Thirty Seven

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For the next two days, I worked long and hard on meetings with executives, designers, and architects about the changes instituted for Pentagram. With every step taken forward to implement my ideas, there were setbacks that I demanded to be remedied in a timely manner. I wasn't as patient as I had been in the past. Certain I'd frightened Gill with the way I spoke to one distributor, I took Gill out to lunch as an apology.

Gill chose a small little bistro close to work. He'd reserved a table earlier, and we were seated as soon as we arrived and checked in.

"This is a nice place." I said as I reviewed the menu. 

"Try the duck salad. It's really good here." He suggested. I nodded but kept looking at the options.

"Gill, about my behavior this morning, I just want to say I was feeling a lot of pressure, which caused my outburst with the vendor. You know I've come into an already existing project and I added some new elements which require my immediate attention. I want to apologize for my language and tone while in the office this morning. If my voice was deeper and I had a penis, I would've been taken more seriously." 

Gill stopped me with a raised hand. "Women in corporate America shouldn't apologize. You know what's needed to make this project successful. They were given a reasonable timeline to provide the product. I was surprised because you were like a demure little thing, but tell you something can't get done and you're ready to beat someone's ass." I giggled. He had a point. 

I will not apologize for doing my job ever again.

"So, Gill, tell me about yourself."

"Not much to say." He sat back after taking a bite of a chip. "I've been working for Pentagon since graduating from college. I've been personal assistant to a few executives for the last five years."

"What is your end goal? I'm sure you don't want to be a PA for the rest of your life." I asked, hoping I didn't offend him.

"Actually, I enjoy it. Depends on how hard ass my boss is." He winked. "I'm paid well. I have great benefits, lots of vacation and personal time, and I've made so many connections in and around Boston. I'm living the life."

"You're the second person to say working for Pentagon has provided a great life. I'm happy to hear it." I'd hoped I could have as good of an experience as Manny and Gill.

I shared with Gill a bit about me, eliminating my experience with Pentagon or my relationship with Matt. I didn't know if he was given any details about me or how I came about the job. I'd be mortified if he knew I unintentionally slept my way to the top.

I liked Gill. We shared some great laughs and stories about ourselves. My trust in him increased as time passed while at lunch. Always the taskmaster, Gill hurried the waiter to complete our service. We walked back to the office. I had a busy afternoon with a long executive meeting where I was introduced. It was the most nervous I'd ever been, but I held my own as I presented the new Pentagram designs and my expectations for finalizing the designs and construction.

At about four in the afternoon when I took a little break from the pace of my day, I received a call from Magnus letting me know the apartment was ready for me to move in. I was incredulous. Once we hung up, I searched for Gill, completely ignoring Andrea.

"I need your help. I was going to let you go early, but I'm hoping you can help me with a personal matter." He rolled his eyes and sighed. Then he smiled, and I could tell he was kidding.

"It's my job, Perla."

"My designer just called and my very first grown-up apartment is ready. I can move in tonight and I need you to come to see it with me because I'm nervous and alone." I pouted. Gill smiled.

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