Chapter Forty Four

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"Matt, why are you here? How do you know where I live?" I kept my voice low, keeping my tone even so as not to get flustered.

"I figured I had a hand in getting you this place, I might as well be here to celebrate with you." He took the beer from my hand, walking away to talk to my other guests. He walked directly toward my father and spoke to him for a while. After greeting him, Matt walked over to Keta and Faith who were talking by the large picture window. 

I joined Chelsea and my dad on the couch. She gave me a look of quizzical curiosity. I gave her a curt shake and rolled my eyes. She responded with a quick nod and pursed her lips. I asked my dad if he wanted me to serve him something to eat, and he accepted. I stood to get him a plate of food, selecting a few things from each chaffing dish Gill had catered. When I brought it to him, I was grabbed by Carson.

"Are you planning a ménage at the end of the night?" I grimaced at him.

"The furthest thought from my mind. I didn't invite him. And if Gill values his job, he didn't either." I whispered. "What the fuck do I do?" I pleaded.

"Ignore him. Be polite, but don't lead him on. And for fuck's sake don't flirt with the biker hunk. At least Jude's keeping him occupied." I looked over at Nick talking to Jude. An odd fusion of relief and jealousy coursed through me. 

I scanned for Matt's location, who was talking to Faith. They stood a little too close and were deep in conversation. There was no relief. There was just plain jealousy. As I thought more about it, I wondered if he was talking to her to make me jealous, as he had with the waitress at the restaurant. Anger welled up in my core. Matt was ruining what was supposed to be a relaxing and enjoyable evening with friends.

"Let it go. Is this all the people?" Carson asked. I nodded.

"Yeah," I responded.

"How about we hand everyone some champagne and you make a toast, welcoming everyone?" Upon agreement, we walked to the kitchen to serve the champagne. Gill followed to help us.

"Did you invite him here?" I hissed at him.


"Matt Keene," I whispered.

"No. Not at all." I looked at him incredulously. "Perla, I never," he affirmed.

"Then how did he know? How did he get past security without being on the list? I would've gotten a call and he should've been turned away if I hadn't answered." I questioned. Gill shrugged, looking innocent and apologetic. "I'm sorry. He just crapped on my night." Gill placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Nothing should do that. Let's have fun," he offered comfortingly. Carson opened the champagne. We poured the champagne into the flutes rented from the caterer, setting them on silver trays. Gill and I shared the task of serving it to the guests.

I commanded everyone's attention. "I just want to thank you for coming to my housewarming party. The last place I lived in was the size of my master closet, so I didn't have the space to have a party. This place is somewhat of a milestone . . . A coming of age. I've called it my grown-up place." I pressed my arm against my roiling belly. 

"Recently, I decided to change my life. I was stuck in a dead-end job with no goals or expectations for my future." I turned to my audience and stopped at Matt. "I'd settled for good enough. When an offer I couldn't refuse was made, I ensured to take what was due to me..." Before tears threatened to drop, I turned to Chelsea, "Which led me to a great new job." I glanced at Turner and Carson, "And moving here where I can be closer to loved ones." Raising my flute, I continued, "I share this home with you. Let it be a refuge for you as it is for me. I thank you all for coming, your gifts, your friendship, and your love. ¡Salud!" I took a sip, then made eye contact with Matt. He remained unperturbed, as usual—hiding something. 

I shivered.

Keta approached me and gave me a hug, breaking the magnetic glance we held. I smiled at her, dismissing his presence. I was going to have fun with my friends. I asked Gill to change the music to something a bit more upbeat. When the change in rhythm occurred, Keta and I started dancing. She was always good for a great time. I pulled Magnus to dance with us. He had amazing dance moves. I noticed Gill look at Magnus as he, John Peter, Carson, and Turner huddled together in dialogue.

I looked at my father, sitting alone on the couch moving his torso to the beat of the music. I danced over to him and sat down. We turned our torsos, hugging and dancing with our upper bodies. It was a move we've made since his knees had gone bad. 

In our last phone conversation, he'd complained he could barely walk anymore, needing to take more frequent rests. I couldn't convince him to change his mind about surgery. The leading surgeon was standing just a few steps away, and I would've loved for Matt to take care of my father. However, it was awkward to suggest he seek help from a man I'd denied my love and affection but resolutely commandeered his stocks to get ahead in the corporate world.

The rest of the group talked and swayed as the music kept going. I stopped dancing with Papa, and I stood up. I grabbed Chelsea by the hand and pulled her off of Dougie's lap. I pulled Dougie to stand and made him dance with his wife. 

I left the other two male and female couples to continue talking. There was no way I would dance with Nick or Matt. They were engrossed in conversation with other women, and for a brief moment, I was grateful. I returned to dancing with Keta and Magnus. I spent the night going from group to group, being the best hostess despite avoiding Matt who remained with Faith. 

I couldn't allow him to hurt me more than he already had by stealing from me.

We had fun and the time seemed to go by quickly. The guests began to leave, starting with Magnus and Keta. He'd invited her to a club where he'd planned to go after my party. I was happy she'd found someone with her energy and passion for partying. I sent them off with a hug and a kiss on each of their cheeks. 

Chelsea and Dougie offered to take my father home. Before Papa left, Matt spoke to him for a period of time. I wondered what they had to talk about. My father knew of the breakup, but he appeared good-natured while speaking to Matt. Hugging and thanking Chelsea and Dougie profusely, I walked them all to the door.

Nick and Jude walked up to me. He explained he'd offered to drive Jude home because he didn't want a young lady to travel alone in the city. I smiled at his chivalry but knew instantly they'd spent the entire night talking and getting along because there was a mutual attraction. I hugged him tight and thanked him for his gallantry. Turning to Jude, I pulled her into my arms and whispered, "Don't do anything I would absolutely do." When I released her, I winked to cement my meaning. She laughed as they walked out together.

Faith walked up to me and bid her goodbye. I was relieved she didn't walk out with Matt. They had spent most of the night together. I'd find them deep in talks whenever I looked their way. As she exited, I scanned the room to find him with Carson, Turner, Gill, and John Peter. My little band of gay brothers had spent the night gabbing. I walked over to them.

"We're all going to go," Carson said. I looked at him quizzically. What the fuck did he mean he was going to go? I expressed in my glare. "We're going over to a jazz club John Peter says is the best in Boston."

"Oh. That's great... You guys leave me." I pouted, glancing at the mess.

"I'll come back tomorrow to help you clean," Gill chimed in.

"No. Don't you dare! You've done so much. I can manage this. Besides, the caterer will pick this up tomorrow, so I'll just organize it for them." I hugged Gill. "Thanks for everything," I walked my men to the door, hugging each one before exiting. Only Matt remained. And he was the last person I wanted in my empty apartment.

Well, well, well... Perla and Matt are now alone in her new apartment with a bed just paces away from them. How will this end?

Unbound, Boundless Series, Book 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz