Chapter Forty Two

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The week was a blur of meetings, planning, and very few breaks. Everything with the new design and marketing of Pentagram was steadily falling into place. Gill was instrumental in pulling double duty as my personal and executive assistant. When I informed Human Resources of the conflict with having Andrea work for me, Andrea was instantly pulled from my area and was returned to her former post. The assistant who replaced her was shifted elsewhere, and I was assigned a wonderful woman, Carolyn Stowe. 

Carolyn hit the ground running. Her ten years working at Pentagon helped with scheduling and speaking to various constituents, making our work easier. I would've preferred to have found someone outside of Pentagon, but the learning curve for working at Pentagon was way too high to get someone from the outside to work with a new executive like me.

I was nervous all morning, awaiting Matt's arrival. We were scheduled to eat at Sucre Rose, a small French bistro within walking distance of Pentagon. At the appointed hour I needed to walk toward the bistro, I opened my office door and turned to Carolyn's desk, who was chatting with Matt. 

A slow huff expelled from deep inside of me, seeing him again—looking as gorgeous as he had on the day we reunited. Reacquainted. My gaze fell to the very fingers that tried to please me that day. I swallowed the knot in my throat.

They both looked up. 

Carolyn grinned at me, and I gave her a smile in response. My smile faltered when I turned to Matt. "I should've known Dr. Keene would be here promptly, Carolyn. We're going to take off for lunch. I expect to be here no later than 1:30 for my meeting with the directors." Carolyn nodded.

"It's nice seeing you again, Carrie."

"You too, Matt. I hope to see you more often. Don't be a stranger." She offered. He smiled his brilliant smile, which he didn't share with Andrea when he was here last. I wasn't jealous of Carolyn because she was older, married, and had three teenage children.

I stopped over at Gill's desk. He was due to leave early to set up for my housewarming party. "I'll leave early to help you, so I'll see you later." I gave a curt smile.

"You will." Gill split his gaze between the both of us. "Have a great day, Dr. Keene."

"You too. Thank you."

I walked away toward the elevator, Matt walking close behind with his command over my body by placing his hand on my lower back. I took a deep breath to suppress the tingly feeling that coursed warmly throughout my body. We followed everyone else into the elevator, going to the lobby. 

As we were departing, Josh the guard bid us a good afternoon. I caught Matt nod at Josh and turn his vision toward the front doors. When we exited the building, the bright light blinded me temporarily. I stopped to retrieve my sunglasses. Matt pulled his own from his breast pocket. When I was done putting on my shades, he reached for my hand to walk us toward the bistro. I tried unsuccessfully to pull my hand away.

"Matt, let's not start off with this." I lifted my arm to emphasize what I was talking about.

"I'm just being a gentleman." Standing to my right, on the active side of the sidewalk, Matt pulled my arm into the crook of his arm, releasing my hand, but holding it with his free hand to prevent me from pulling away. I controlled the urge to tug out of his grip, wanting to put distance between us.

Matt broke the quiet. "How's it going?" He asked. Refusing to look at him, I peeked into the storefront window at displays or people in conversation within a café.

"I'm good, working hard to catch up." I swallowed the knot in my throat. "And you? How've you been?" I asked gently, pouring more meaning into the question.

Unbound, Boundless Series, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now