Chapter Thirteen: It'll Be Okay

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Jack walked into his room and sat on his bed with a loud sigh as I read my book.

    I looked at him and closed my book, setting it on his nightstand and scooting over to sit beside him. "What's wrong?"

    "Training. I keep getting punched in the face. I keep making mistakes." he said.

    "We've all made mistakes, and"—I looked at his face and smiled, brushing my thumb over his cheek to see a purple bruise forming—"you don't look that bad. It just takes some practice is all."

    "Yeah, but without my powers, I'm useless." he said dejectedly.

    "Hey. You are not useless. Your powers didn't make you brave or...undeniably handsome." I said.

    He smiled and laughed lightly. "Really, Anna?"

    "There's that smile that I love." I said and gently kissed Jack's lips. "But, seriously, don't ever doubt yourself. Because I will find you and straighten you out, m'kay?"

    He nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into his lap and kissing me. "Works for me." he pulled back slightly and his hand brushed over the thin fabric of his white shirt as it clung to my body, his thumb brushing my stomach. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. It's not the first time I've been stabbed." I replied honestly.

"Yeah, but it was with an arcangel blade. And I don't have my powers, so I'm worried about you. I can't heal you." he said softly, leaning his forehead against mine.

"You don't have to be. I'm fine." I replied, getting off his lap and sitting down next to him. "We're fine. Right?"

He looked over at me. "Of course we are. Why would you say that?"

"You just see more distant lately. And I get that it's because your grace is gone, but, I miss you when you're not here." I said.

"Is that why you're always wearing my shirts now?" He asked as he lightly tugged on the shirt sleeve.

"That, and it's comfortable." I replied with a light smile.

The door opened and Sam stepped through, his eyes lighting up once he saw me.

"Sammy! You're back!" I ran to him and hugged him, laughing as he picked me up and set me back down. "How was Atlanta?"

"Turns out the person who claims she saw an angel was a little too drunk. So, it was a bust." he answered.

"I don't know. I kinda like this beard you got going." I said as I poked at his cheeks.

He smiled in amusement and looked at Jack. "Hey, man. How's it going?"

"It's going fine." He answered.

"You and it yet?" Sam asked awkwardly.

"Sam! No!" I smacked his arm.

"Ouch!" Sam laughed lightly. "I'm just teasing, kiddo. Someone's gotta take up the mantle of being as annoying as Dean."

"True. But not you." I said.

    Jack got up and walked over to us, giving Sam a hug and smiling at the older man.

    "Did you take care of our girl?" Sam asked.

    My father had disowned me weeks ago because of my relationship with Jack, and the second Sam and Dean heard that, they immediately took me in and started calling me their girl. And I have never been happier.

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