Chapter Fourty-one: Park Playdate

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"Mommy! Mommy, can I play at the park with Sarah?" Kelly pulled on my hand as we walked by the park, Kelly spotting her friend and pointing eagerly.

"Sure, Kelly. Just stay where I can see you. I'll be over on the bench." I told her and she squealed happily, running down to her friend as I sat down on the snow-covered wooden bench.

"They grow up so fast, don't they?" a familiar voice asked from behind me.

I turned around and was shocked when I saw Belphegor. "Belphegor? What are you doing here?"

Belphegor took a seat beside me on the bench and sighed, looking at the girls. "Sarah. She's my great great great..." he stopped and counted on his fingers silently. "However many great granddaughter."

I smiled. "That's one of your spawns? She's cute."

He looked at me. "Pushing aside the fact that you just called a descendant of mine a spawn, thanks."

"Does she know?" I asked as I looked at the two girls playing in the playground.

"No," he shook his head. "I was a little creepy and pale child back in the day. My parents thought I was possessed by a demon, so they thought journaling would make them feel better. Generations later, the book was passed down that I was a 'demon child'"

"Oh. Sorry."

He shrugged. "I've gotten used to it. This is a better way to live, anyways."

"How so?"

He looked at me again. "Like I said, no one knows me. I can be anyone I want."

"That's true," I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. "I hope you find who you are one day, Belphegor."

"Thanks, Anna." he sighed. "I hate to bother you—"

"No, you don't."

He smiled softly. "I don't. Anyways. Kenji kind of kicked me out of the house. Can I stay with you guys for a bit? I'll stay out of Jackie's way as much as possible."

    I nodded. "Sure, you can. Jack goes up to Heaven a few times a week because some angels are being d-bags again."

He laughed. "Nice to know that the angels never changed," he looked at my slightly rounded stomach. "You pick out a name for the little sucker?"

    "We're thinking either Celine or Cass."

    "Your angel Castiel?" he asked curiously.


    "'s either a choice between Céline Dion or an angel? I'd choose the singer." he voice his opinion, smiling a little.

I laughed lightly. "I'll keep that in mind. Aren't you cold?"

"No." he shook his head.

    Kelly ran up the hill to me, dragging Sam and Dean behind her. "Mama! Mama! Can Uncle Sam and Uncle Dean stay over tonight?"

    I smiled at the two men and they shrugged, Dean looking eager because he knew I had made pie the night before. "Sure."

    "Yay!" Kelly giggled happily and looked at Belphegor. "Is he sleeping over too?"

    I looked at him. "Do you want to?"

    "If it wouldn't be too weird. Otherwise, I can just stay at a hotel until those two leave." he said as he looked at the brothers.

    "Then we'll stay longer." Sam said.

    "Yeah. I don't want you anywhere near my niece. No matter how nice you may have been over Christmas. The truce is over." Dean added on.

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