Chapter Twenty-six: Hello, Winchesters

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6 months later

I sat down at the table and drank my coffee, watching horror movies and preparing for Halloween in a few days.

The door knocked and I set my cup down, switching off the tv and getting up to answer it, opening the door and seeing the Winchesters standing there.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked.

"We need you to come back." Dean said as he and his brother pushed their way into my rented cabin.

"Guys, I'm done Hunting. I told you this." I said as I closed the door.

"We need you, Anna. You've had a good six months of this life. There are fewer and fewer Hunters. And none of them are like you." Sam said.

I sighed. "I take it the world isn't saved yet?"

"Far from it." Dean shook his head.

"Just this one Hunt. Then you can come back to this life." Sam added.

I looked at him and wrung my hangs, nodding a little. "This last one. What's happening?"

Sam looked at my hands and saw the ring I still wore. "You're still wearing your engagement ring." he stated.

I looked down at the ring and nodded, looking back up at him. "Yeah. I am. It keeps him.....close."

"Nice haircut, by the way." Dean commented. "Goin' short, I see. I like it."

I smiled at him. "Thanks."

    "Yeah. It looks good, Anna," Sam agreed, the two brothers taking a seat across from me on the couch. "Okay, so, you've missed a lot while you've been gone. But the main thing is people died, and we have a case."

    "Where is it?" I asked.

    "Here in Sioux Falls." Dean answered.

    "Did you tell Jody about about this already?" I asked, knowing that she would want to know about this.

    "Actually, she's the person we need to save. Come on. We need to get going." Dean said.

"There's also something else you should know." Sam said.

"Sammy. Not now. Let's leave it a surprise." Dean said.

"If you guys prank me again by putting a vamp head on a stake in the car, I'll kill you two." I said to the two.

Sam laughed. "I'm sure you'll like this one, Anna. It's back in the bunker."

"I better. For your guys' sake." I said in a light-hearted voice and the three of us walked out to the Impala.

"Okay, so what's this surprise?" I asked as we drove down the darkened dirt roads.

"You'll see. Just a few hours until we get there." Dean said as we turned onto the main road.


"Jack?" I asked, my eyes wide in shock and disbelief when I came down the bunker steps with the brothers, Dark Kaia, and Jody, and saw him and Cass.

He smiled. "Hey, sweetheart."

I walked forward and threw my arms around him in a hug, pulling back moments later. "H-how are you here? Am I—Am I dead? Am I an angel?"

He laughed and cupped my face in his hands, kissing me. "You are to me."

I smiled and kissed him back, burying my nose in his shoulder. "I missed you so much."

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