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"Gryffindor and Slytherin's chasers are neck to neck trying to catch the quaffle, ooh looks like James Potter will need to go to the hospital wing after that hit, it has to be a broken arm, don't worry Jamesie i'm sure plenty of girls will visit you." Sirius said over the loudspeaker, Juliet was sitting in the crowd with Evelyn and couldn't help but roll her eyes at her cousin's immaturity.

"Bet you'll be first in line to visit him won't you." Evelyn teased and Juliet scoffed.

"Oh please, why on earth would I do that." She asked.

"Cause you're like in love with him." Evelyn sang.

"Am not." Juliet argued, who was she kidding, of course she was, but she would never admit that.

"Are too, I see the way you steal glances at him during meals." Evelyn said and Juliet crossed her arms over her chest.

"Doesn't prove anything, it's not like he'll go for me anyway." She said turning away from Evelyn.

"And why's that." She sighed.

"Because I'm a Slytherin and he's a Gryffindor." Juliet said, that made Evelyn laugh.

"So what, are you really that insecure over the fact that you're in different houses, Juliet we go to Gryffindor parties every year, you really think they care at this point." She said. Juliet shrugged, Evelyn did have a point, but there were so many reasons why James and Juliet wouldn't work out.

"Maybe not but there is one more barrier." Juliet said, Evelyn raised an eyebrow she couldn't possibly understand what stood in between the two.

"And what's that."

"He's madly in love with Evans."

"Oh that, that will never lead to anything, he's been trying to ask her out for years and yet she still declines every time, trust me if anything, Potter is only trying to prove to his friends that he can get her to fall for him." Evelyn said, Juliet sighed, absent mindedly nodding her head.

"I guess you have a point." She said. Evelyn scoffed looking back at the pitch.

"Of course I do, it's a bloody mystery why I got sorted into Slytherin, I clearly belong in Ravenclaw." She said proudly.

"You got into Slytherin because of how ambitious you are, when you want something you work bloody hard to get it." Juliet pointed out and Evelyn shrugged in agreement.

"I am pretty amazing aren't I." She said, Juliet laughed turning her attention back to the game.

"Overstatement of the year." She whispered underneath her breath when she thought Evelyn would be too interested in the game to notice.

"What was that." She asked.

"Nothing." Juliet shook her off, directing her attention back to the game unaware of the looks she was receiving from a certain Zabini brother.

After the match ,Evelyn and Juliet decided to go to the celebration party at the Gryffindor tower as they knew they'd find Lizzie there, she could never pass up a party, not even if Dorcas begged her not to go to a Gryffindor one, but before turning the corner to the tower, they were stopped by a group of Slytherin boys.

"Where do you two think you're going." One of them sneered and Juliet just rolled her eyes in annoyance while taking a step forward.

"Going to see my cousin, she's awfully sick and I thought I'd surprise her with some chicken soup from the kitchen." Juliet lied as she knew none of them would question that, or so she thought.

"Lies, if Elizabeth was sick, i'd think she'd tell me as I am her brother." Evan spoke up, stepping out from behind Raymond Goyle, of course he had to be there, ruining every plan she had, ever since he became a prefect.

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