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James had just returned with Harry all bundled up in blankets and sound asleep, I was sitting on the couch again with a book, reading helped me relax, it was a habit I picked up from when I was a child and my parents would fight or my sisters would get yelled at. I didn't look up when James walked into the living room after putting Harry down in the crib with Ophelia.

"Thankfully the Dursley's were asleep still when we got there, Dumbledore wasn't there either so it was a pretty smooth move." James said sitting down on the couch.

"And what happens when Dumbledore finds out he's not there anymore, do you get charged with kidnapping, sent away to Azkaban?" I asked him still not looking up from my book, I don't even know what it's about anymore.

"I'm his father Juliet, I couldn't let him be raised by those people, he's your nephew aswell, there's plenty of blood to go around." He told me grabbing my book out of my hands and placing it on the table. "Look at me, please."

"What do you want me to say James, we have two children already, I can barely cope being a mother to them and now you expect me to just commit to having another one year old in the house, I know he's your son, biologically but Lily clearly meant for him to go to her sister, and what happens when you get arrested, I will be left alone and he'll be sent back anyway." I told him looking him straight in the eyes and bringing my legs up to my chest.

"I will schedule a meeting with Dumbledore tomorrow if that's what you want, but Lily would never want her child to live with her wicked sister." James told me.

"That's not my bloody point James, this kid is going to have a target on his back, his name alone will be known by thousands of people. Harry Rosier-Evans-Potter, but obviously people will only care for the Potter part, they will refuse to acknowledge the relationship between Liz and Lils, and once again we will be dragged into this, you know how long I spent hiding from my family, him living with us will give them a exact pinpoint of my location." I said trying to keep my voice down as to not wake up the kids.

"What does your family have to do with this. They aren't after you, if they were you would probably be dead by now." He told me I scoffed, "You barely talk to me anymore Juliet, and when you do it's related to the kids, you've grown distant ever since we had Ophelia, I am tired of pretending everything is okay in front of the kids, Leo knows something is going on, he asked me about it."

"What does this have to do with anything, yes I've been distant James, but it has nothing to do with you or the kids for that matter, I have been extremely stressed with Lily and Elizabeth going into hiding, Sirius and Remus split because they couldn't trust each other and with Reg dying a year ago, it's all just a lot and now Voldemort is dead and we have another mouth to feed, you're away working all day and you don't see how much I have to do, so don't come saying I am overreacting because I am not." I was just rambling at this point, I had no purpose for this argument, I was just tired and I was never good with stress, tears started rolling down my face.

"Shh, shh, shh," James soothed as he pulled me into his chest. I was fully sobbing at this point. "We'll figure everything out love, now that the war is over we can move back to our little cottage and you can start a support group for moms I hear Molly has a good few kids now, it would be nice for both you and the kids to swing around there once a week, and I'll start being around more, help out with the kids." He told me.

"I don't need a support group James, I need a full on support church." I laughed and James chuckled. "I'm sorry I got so beaten up about Harry staying here, it's just a lot you know, it's been you, me and Leo for years and then the sperm donation happened and Ophelia happened and I don't know it all just seemed so sudden, I mean we're not even married yet but we now have three kids under the age of six living with us, I think I just need some sleep, we'll talk about this again in the morning." I said to James getting up from the couch and kissing his cheek. "I'm going up to bed, see you in the morning." And with that I went to bed.

We didn't talk much the next morning, I had time to think the night before after going to bed and realised my fears were irrational, of course James would want his son to be safe, and I wouldn't want my nephew growing up in a home where he wasn't loved and cherished so I let James go to his meeting with Dumbledore and he sort out that Harry had to be around Lily's blood relatives once a year for the protection charm to stay in tact so we sent letters to the Dursley's announcing an anual visit, we would drop by, give them something, greedy bloaks, and then leave.

I hated everything about them the second I met them, they had a son of their own and it was as if the world revolved around him, he was a couple of days older than Harry and got everything just by screaming and throwing tantrums, made me realise how good it was for Harry not to be staying with them, by the looks of them they would've made him stay in the cupboard beneath the stairs, could you imagine.

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