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"Juliet, darling, a letter came for you this morning." Andromeda said in a voice a little louder than a whisper, it was still pretty early so Leo lay fast asleep in his basinet next to Juliet's bed. Juliet sat up in her bed and took the letter from her sister before thanking her and ripping open the letter.

Juliet Casseopia Black

I am writing to you once again to let you know I am willing to take your son off of your hands as I know how hard it could be to take care of a child, and how hard it must be for you seeing as you are only sixteen and according to Daniel your family life isn't exactly ideal. I only want what is best for the child and I truly believe that is him living with me.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Joanna Alexandrov.

This had been the fifth letter in the span of three days. It seemed like the more Juliet wished to ignore it, the more Joanna would push. Juliet found it odd, she wanted Daniel in Leo's life but she never thought his mother would want to take him from her.

"Who was it from?" Andromeda, who was starting to get suspicious of all these mysterious letters, asked.

"If I tell you, you have to promise you'll stay calm." Juliet said and Andromeda nodded sitting down on her younger sister's bed. "Her name is Joanna Alexondrov, the mother of Daniel Alexandrov, Leo's dad. She's been writing to me these last few days about 'taking Leo off of my hands' I've been ignoring the letters in hope that she'd take a hint and leave me alone but she's starting to become persistent, claiming Leo's best shot in life is living with her." Juliet explained and Andromeda rolled her eyes.

"Bullshit, Leonardo's best chance in life is with you, his mother. And didn't you say this Daniel bloke wanted nothing to do with you or him when you told him." Andromeda practically yelled but managed to keep her voice at a level which wouldn't wake the rest of the house.

"Yes, and as far as I know he still wants no part in this, he hasn't written to me once to meet Leo, yet his mother claims Daniel would be an amazing father if I give him the opportunity, what does that even mean 'give him the right opportunity' if he wanted too, he would be here right now helping me change diapers or whatever." Juliet said getting angrier by the second.

"How did this Joanna woman even find out, if Daniel wants no part in this I doubt he told his parents." Andromeda asked.

"They have a magical family tree that grows anytime a new member is born into the family, almost like the one aunt Walburga has at her house, clearly when Leo was born his name was added and Joanna must've forced Daniel to tell her my name, she could be quite vile at times." Juliet explained, Andromeda sighed and took her hands into her own.

"I don't want you worrying about this woman any longer, you are returning to Hogwarts tomorrow and I want you to enjoy your sixth year, Leo will be safe here and I will send word to this Joanna that she has no right to claim what is good for him, if we have too we can take them to court and you can claim full custody." Andromeda said, Juliet looked at her with a face of relief and admiration.

"What would I do if I didn't have you as a sister." She smiled and Andromeda pulled her into a hug.

"Luckily you'll never have to find out, I will always be here for you Jules, no matter what." Andromeda told her, Juliet smiled and let out a small breath before pulling away from her sister as Leo was waking up next to her, Andromeda requested to see all the letters and Juliet pointed to a drawer in her dresser, after getting them all Andromeda left Juliet's room to give her some alone time with Leonardo.


Seeing the Hogwarts express used to bring so much joy to Juliet, mainly because she got to be away from her family, but now that was the exact reason she didn't want to leave, she felt like she was being a terrible mother for leaving her 5 month old with her sister while she was 390 miles away.

"He'll be fine Jules, Andy knows what she's doing." Lizzie assured her, Juliet was staring out at the landscape outside the train window before she turned to look at her cousin.

"I know she does, it's just I hate having too leave him, especially with Joanna trying to take him away from me, I have a feeling she won't stop until she gets what she wants." She sighed and Lizzie gave her a sympathetic smile.

"Why don't you just talk to Daniel about it." Evelyn asked from the other bench, Juliet turned towards her and gave her a defeated look.

"I have no way of contacting him without his mother knowing, seeing as he left Hogwarts I can't just go up to him in the corridors and Joanna is more than likely monitoring his mail." She explained, "Probably been making a scrapbook from all the pictures I sent, the woman is obsessed.

"Tell you what, if by Christmas Joanna is still bugging you we go to her house and tell her how her son refused to take responsibility for your son and that she has no right to him." Lizzie said, Juliet smiled and agreed, at the moment it seemed more reasonable than going to court, as court will most likely result in her losing seeing as she isn't even an adult yet.


"So how is my favourite nephew." Regulus asked that night when the three Slytherin's returned to the common room. Juliet had to tell him eventually and doing so proved to be one of the best things she could have done, Regulus bought Leo a bunch of things and managed to keep his existence a secret quite well.

"Still looks like a baby." Evelyn joked falling into the couch. "Definitely got his looks from his aunt." She said dramatically.

"That's not even biologically possible, but sure Ev, whatever you say." Juliet laughed.

"Did you get the Lion stuffed animal I sent him in the mail." Regulus asked exitedly.

"I did, but I didn't give it too him yet, Andy said stuffed animals aren't safe for a baby, something about them suffocating, which is a good enough reason to keep it in storage until he's a bit older." Juliet explained.

"Alright, safety first I guess. Oh almost forgot, Bella was quite hurt when she found out you ran away." Regulus said and it was like a weight fell onto Juliet's heart, she knew telling Bellatrix the reason for her leaving was a terrible idea, but every day she felt like a disappointment for leaving with her tail between her legs and not informing her other two sisters of their nephew.

"Bellatrix doesn't feel anything, she stopped showing emotion when she joined You-Know-Who." Juliet said, knowing it wasn't true, a person didn't have to show emotions to feel them, she should know that better than anyone else.

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