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I never understood how people could feel so terrible after a break up, I thought them to be stupid to cry over someone who obviously cares more for someone else, but back then I never imagined I would be in that position, James Potter was an idiot for making me fall for him only to break my heart so swiftly in a matter of seconds. I walked passed him in the halls barely making eye contact even when he tried explaining himself, how could you explain smelling someone who isn't your girlfriend in the strongest love potion to exist if you aren't extremely infatuated with the other person.

I mean it's no secret James has been pining after Lily for years, but I had thought he grew tired of rejection and moved on, if I had known he was still so hung up on her there's no way I would've allowed him to take me out and to crawl into my heart like that. But what's worse is, I trusted him with Leo, he promised he would always be there for us.

"Juliet, eat something." Evelyn told me placing a muffin on my plate, I stared at it for a second before pushing the plate away from me.

"I'm not hungry." I told her and she sighed placing her hand on top of my own.

"You have to eat something , it's not healthy to skip out on meals." She told me and I looked up at her completely defeated before picking up the muffin on my plate and taking a bite.

"There, you happy." I asked her and she nodded with a sigh.

"I guess that's a start." She said, I looked over to the Gryffindor table to see that James was joking around with Peter and Remus while Sirius was nowhere to be seen.

"How could he just pretend like nothing happened?" I suddenly asked catching Evelyn off guard.

"People react differently to certain things, doesn't mean they aren't just as hurt by it." She told me.

"He doesn't deserve to feel hurt, it's his bloody fault we broke up in the first place." I sneered not taking my eyes off of him but narrowing them slightly.

"Juliet, I'm saying this from the inner most deeper parts of my heart, as your best friend, get over it already. It's been a month, there are plenty of other fish in the lake to choose from." She said and I couldn't stop the snort leaving my mouth.

"You suggesting I date a Gryndillow now are you." I joked and she smirked at me.

"Hey I don't care if you date the giant squid as long as that smile shows up again." She told me and I gave her a half smile. "See much better." She said.

"Glad to see you're back to yourself again." Reggie said joining us.

"Where have you been all this time?" Evelyn asked him."Hiding." He simply said and I turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You've been hanging out with Mulciber again haven't you, his lot aren't exactly the type of people I want you around." I told him.

"Luckily you can't tell me what to do dearest cousin." He told me."Where did this confidence come from." Evelyn asked intrigued.

"What confidence?" He smirked before handing me a letter. "It's from Bellatrix, do with it what you want, I'm simply the messenger." He told me before getting up and leaving again.

"What could Bellatrix want?" Evelyn asked, I shrugged and took out my wand, pointing it at the letter, "Incendio." The last thing I needed was her scolding me yet another time for running away, especially after not being able to contact me all summer long. "Guess that works." Evelyn shrugged, getting up and slinging her bag over her shoulder. "See you at Defence, yeah?" I nodded and she left.

I decided I would make my way to class a bit earlier aswell and threw my bag over my shoulder before heading off towards Divination, this year I was improving greatly in the subject thanks to Remus for helping me, I got to class and took my usual seat next to Elizabeth who was half asleep.

"Busy night?" I asked her in a hushed tone yet she still jumped.

"Sorry. Yeah, Dorcas and I got into a fight, it lasted quite long." She told me and I gave her a sympathetic look.

"That sucks, I'm sure she'll come around." I told her and she shrugged.

"According to her I'm the one in the wrong so I should be apologising." She told me and I raised an eyebrow.

"What ever for, did you eat her homework." I asked in a joking manner.

"No, I'm not Sirius, I accused her of snogging Marlene at a party." She said and I rolled my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes, it looked like Marlene was snogging her from where I was sitting, but according to her she was just comforting her because her mother has fallen ill."

"And you don't believe her, Lizzie, you know I'm always going to pick your side, but is it possible she was telling the truth, I mean this isn't like she confessed her love infront of the whole potions class." I told her and she sighed.

"I guess, we're going to talk again after dinner and try to smooth things over, I take it things are still not great with you and James?" She asked and I shook my head.

"His excuses are extremely rehearsed and look at him, he's still acting like a fool." I said nodding my head towards the back of the class where him and Sirius were imitating our professor.

"I'm surprised Sirius hasn't hexed him yet." She said.

"I'm not, considering the two live together they're closer than ever, besides everyone apparently saw it coming, it's a well known fact James has and will always be in love with Evans." I told her, the truth hurt but I knew it was true and I couldn't do anything about that, I'd just have to move on and focus on graduating Hogwarts all while making sure Joanna never gets her hands on Leo

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