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"HARRY, OPHELIA, GET YOUR BUTS IN THE CAR WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE." James yelled as he rounded up the three Hogwarts trunks with his wand and levitated it into the car, I was running around the house ensuring everything was packed with my six year old twins running behind me.

"Leo, your dad is already freaking out, go help him get your siblings in the car please." I said walking into the living room, Leo was 15, he was a teenager, a moody teenager, got it from Daniel not me, Daniel lives up the road from us and would take Leo on weekends, he eventually came around to wanting a father son relationship and we agreed on having shared custody.


"No but's Leonardo, get." I said pointedly, before hearing the twins giggle behind me, "You two get dressed, you have a play date with Ginny." Molly and I have been meeting up regularly, sharing tips on how to manage kids, especially since the twins came, they can be real nightmares at times, real fitting to their names Kaylus and Ranger, names picked out by Leo, Ophelia and Harry.

"Yayyyyy." They exclaimed, Kaylus was the first to run upstairs before being followed by her brother, I turned around to find both Harry and Ophelia now standing in front of me.

"May I help you?" I laughed throwing a tea towel over my shoulder.

"Harry thinks no one would want to be friends with him because of the scar on his face, I told him people would be stupid not to befriend him, he doesn't believe me." Ophelia told me, I looked over at Harry and his head was down low, I told Ophelia I needed time alone with him she groaned before running outside to Leo and James.

"So what's really bugging you?" I asked sitting on the coffee table and urging him to sit on the couch.

"I'm afraid people will treat me differently, not just because of the scar but because of my mums, you told me people didn't really accept them, and I wouldn't want anyone targeting me because of that, so I was thinking while at Hogwarts people could believe Lily and James were married, and Elizabeth was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." He said and my heart broke, I knew this was going to come up eventually, I had just hoped it wasn't soon.

"Harry, sweetheart, no one at school needs to know if you don't want them too, James will forever be your father and your mums ensured that, but they would be hurt to hear their own son telling people they were 'just friends'. And besides everyone already knows and if they're mean to you just shrug it off and be proud of who you come from, yeah." I smiled, he nodded. "Great, now get to the car, Hogwarts waits for no one."

"Love you aunt Juliet." He smiled.

"I love you too Harry, while you're out there tell your sister to come inside, I need to say goodbye and if I leave the house Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb are going to burn the house down." I said messing up his hair.


The house was quiet for once, the twins were at a sleepover at the Weasley's, Leo, Harry and Ophelia were at Hogwarts and James was off saving the world, I was home alone, it was strange to have the house all to myself, it needed to be cleaned. I waved my wand before pouring myself a glass of wine and sitting on the couch with a book, I let out a breath of air and allowed the silence to engulf me.

It was all ruined when there was a knock at the door. I tried ignoring it but it got louder and louder, I got up and walked towards the door, I peeked out the window first and didn't recognise the figure. "Who is it?" I yelled.

"Juliet, it's Cade, we need to talk." Cade, I haven't seen him since the birth of his and Evelyn's son. I opened the door and led him to the kitchen.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"Harry's in terrible danger, there's a spy at Hogwarts." He told me.

"Harry? No Harry's fine, he has Leo and Lia to look after him aswell as most of the Weasley clan." I told him, I wasn't worried, but now looking back I probably should've been a bit more worried, it could've saved a lot of people and  some trips to the hospital wing.



Oh my Merlin!!!!!!!!
The epilogue has arrived.

I can't believe after all this time we finally say goodbye to Juliet and James.

I decided ending it in Philosopher's stone was only fitting, I hope you all don't hate me for killing off Elizabeth and Lily, it had to be done for Harry's story to continue, honestly you can imagine his future however you want, I leave it to your interpretations.

Thanks again for reading, and a special thanks if you came here from the Original which was a complete mess..


My Romeo- James Potter Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora