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"Deck the halls with balls of holly." I mumbled as I finished my last sentence of my transfiguration homework.

"Juliet did you just say balls of holly?" Marlene asked, keeping back a laugh.

"That's what it is, isn't it?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Honey, no, it's boughs of holly." She corrected me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oops, I really thought it was balls for some reason, these muggle songs really are complicated." I said, she joined my laughing.

"You really are special, just please don't ever sing it like that in front of anyone, especially not Sirius, he'll never let you live it down." She warned and I nodded.

"What won't I let her live down." Sirius asked, I looked up surprised, what was he doing in the library on a Saturday, wait no let me rephrase, what is Sirius doing in the library.

"The fact that I used your eyeliner for a date two years ago." I said and he gasped, I knew this would get a reaction from him.

"You did not." He exclaimed and Madam Pince sent him a death glare.

"Of course not you idiot, you keep that stuff locked in a safe." I said and he relaxed.

"Oh right, forgot about that." He said sitting down next to me. I looked at Marlene who once again was holding back a laugh, one thing, no sorry two things you don't joke about with Sirius Black is his eyeliner or his black nail polish, they're more sacred than the noble house of Black to him.

"What are you doing here Black?" Marlene asked and he grew a mischievous grin.

"Just wanted to see how my favourite cousin was doing and whether or not she had plans for Valentines day." He asked leaning his chin on the back of the chair, I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"That's not for another month, we're still in January dumbarse." I flicked his fore head and he slapped away my hand.

"Me and the lads are planning a double date type of thing and we still need dates." He explained and I laughed.

"You planned a date without actual dates, that's pathetic." I scoffed, packing my books away and screwing the top of my ink back on.

"That's kind of the whole point, each person drew a name and the person you got is the person you need to set up with someone." He explained.

"And do I get to know who I get to go with."

"Nope." He said smiling tauntingly at me.

I sighed and looked over at Marlene who just shrugged, "Fine, I'll do it-" I started but he cut me off.

"Great you won't regret it." He exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"I wasn't finished." I scolded and he sat back quietly urging me to continue.

"I'll do it, but, I will not be wearing some stupid dress, I will not risk getting frostbite." I explained and he nodded.

"Great, no dress, cool, see ya later Jules." He said, getting up, kissing me on the top of my head and running out of the library, dodging a silencing charm sent by Pince, I laughed and turned back to Marlene.

"You ready to go, if we leave now we might run into Dorcas and Lizzie in the courtyard." I asked and she nodded throwing her bag over her shoulder.

We just made our way out of the library when we caught sight of Evelyn, it looked like she was running from something or someone, as she reached us, she stopped for a second to catch her breath.

"Set. Off. Dungbombs. In. The. Basement. Gotta bounce." She breathed out before running again, it was then that I saw an angry mob of Hufflepuffs chasing her.

Evelyn was smart, yes, but she was definitely not a genius when it came to pranks, especially in the context of being as far away from the crime scene as possible to make it seem as if you had nothing to do with it. Once she tried pranking me by charming my shoes to move away everytime I tried picking it up, but she failed because of her inability to hold her laugh.

"You think they'll catch her." Marlene asked and I shrugged.

"Probably, she hasn't been keeping fit over the holidays, pretty sure this is the first time she got some exercise since December, if not November." I explained, usually Evelyn and I would both be pretty active in order to get into shape for the Quidditch team, but after trying out every year since we were able too and failing to get in, she basically gave up, and only seldomly joining me for runs, she was also not a morning person so schedules oftenly conflicted with her beauty sleep.

We got to the courtyard and just as expected we saw Dorcas and Lizzie huddled under the big tree, it was leaf less and covered in snow and looked like it was taken right out of a storybook, as we got closer we realised Lizzie was fast asleep, how she managed to fall asleep in the freezing cold is beyond me, but what really surprised me was that Dorcas has somehow also fallen asleep.

"Should we wake them." Marlene whispered and I tilted my head inspecting how peaceful they looked.

"I'm afraid if we don't, they'll freeze to death before dinner." I said, making Marlene laugh, we agreed that we'd each do a person, luckily Dorcas woke up almost instantly, Lizzie was a bit more tricky, considering she sleeps like a rock.

We tried everything, from slamming a book shut in her ear to putting garlic under her nose, where we got the garlic from, I will never know. Eventually we just decided on carrying her back to her dorm, earning us some questioning looks, which by now was a normal occurrence for us, being friends with the infamous Marauders sure led to some unwanted popularity.

We were halfway to the Ravenclaw common room when we realised that we will have to fight with a doorknob to get in, so we took her to my dorm instead. When we walked into the Slytherin common room, no one even gave a second look, its like it was normal for three girls to be carrying another down to the dorms in the middle of the day.

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