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It was the next morning and I had thought about what Evelyn had said about telling Sirius and finding out the gender of the baby. At first I was a bit hesitant, once I know the gender this will all become real, sure a heartbeat should probably have justified that but I've refused to look at ultrasounds in the past. Telling Sirius would be a hard thing to do, with everyone else I didn't have to worry about what would happen if they knew, with Sirius it could go two ways. He could either take it out on Daniel or he would be overly supportive, maybe even hurt that I took so long to tell him.

I got dressed and cast the concealment charm before heading up for breakfast, instead of walking to the Slytherin table like I do every morning, I made my way over to the Gryffindor table where Sirius was sitting with the Marauders and Daniel, I avoided eye contact with him and smiled at James and kissed him on the cheek. I could sense Daniel tensing up, this must be killing him to see me with James, he might be avoiding me but I still catch him staring at me in the corridors and over at the Slytherin table each meal.

"Sirius can I talk to you." I asked, Sirius looked up at me, seeing the seriousness on my face and followed me out of the great hall into an empty classroom.

"What's up Jules?" He asked jumping onto a table.

"I have to tell you something, and I need you to stay calm."

"Alright." He said nervously.

"I'm going to stay with Andy a few weeks this summer." I started he looked at me confused.

"Why would I have to stay calm for that, Andy is your sister after all."

"It's what I have to tell you next that you need to stay calm." I said, "Sirius......I'm Pregnant." I breathed out, the room was quiet for a while until he got up and walked over to the door.

"Sirius where are you going." I asked trying to keep up with him.

"I'm going to kill James." He said and I couldn't help but laugh, making him turn towards me. "What's so funny."

"Nothing, it's just James isn't the father." I said.

"Juliet how far along are you? Did you cheat on James?"

"Merlin no Sirius, this happened long before the idea of dating James came to be a reality. I'm almost 7 months." I told him and he gaped at me.

"You're telling me, you've kept this from me for almost 7 months." He exclaimed and I shook my head.

"Only a month and a half, I found out the day after Valentines. I wasn't feeling well so I went to the hospital wing for a remedy, turns out I had already been six months pregnant."

"So who's the dad."

"Doesn't matter, he doesn't want to be part of the child's life."

"Do you know the gender." He asked, I shook my head.

"Evelyn is having a gender reveal at the tower tonight, everyone who knows is invited, I want you to be there." I told him, he calmed down a bit and gave me a hug.

"I will always be there for you little one." He said in a sweet mocking tone. "And you said everyone that knows, who exactly does that include."

"Well, Evelyn, Lizzie, Dorcas, Marlene, Remus, Peter and James. Oh and Lily." I told him.

"So what you're telling me is, everyone knew exept for me." He asked, trying not to sound hurt.

"Only because I was afraid of what you'd do, and not everyone knows, I haven't told Reg yet, we've had a small fight, over things I was told to never bring up."

In all honesty it really wasn't that big of a deal, Regulus was being a big baby over the fact that he got kicked from the quidditch team because Mulciber saw him as weak, I then told him to grow up and be glad he even got to be on the team even if only for a short while, some other things were brought up, we had a screaming match and it's safe to say we haven't talked since.

"Daniel also doesn't know?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No." I lied. "We're not that close, I saw no reason to tell him, so will I see you tonight?" I asked and he nodded.

"Am I expected to bring something." He asked.

"You'll have to ask Evelyn, she's the one arranging the whole thing." I told him, I looked down at my watch and when I saw the time I said a quick goodbye to Sirius before rushing up to the owlery. Andromeda started sending a herbal mix for morning sickness in the mail every second week around breakfast, but didn't want to risk sending it to the great hall, so instead she sent it to the owlery, I got there just in time as the Tonks family owl came swooping in, landing on my shoulder, I untied the small bag and tipped her before attaching a thank you note and sending her off again. I stuffed the mix into my robe pocket and headed to my first class, Transfiguration


As the day came to an end, I was happy to be able to rest for a while, I ended up getting about twenty minutes to myself before Evelyn burst into the room looking like she's just walked in on something horrid.

"What is it." I asked sitting up, she took a while to catch her breath and walked over to my bed.

"Psycho Roomy showed up at the Astronomy Tower while I was getting everything ready, she was acting real suspicious and said she wanted to stay at the party otherwise she'd tell your parents about your 'big secret'." She told me and my eyes grew wide, my hands covered my stomach protectively and I shook my head.

"If she tells them, who knows what they're going to do, they might take me out of school, have me raise the child using their methods, or even worse they might send it away.How did she even find out we were so careful." I said, Evelyn gave me a sympathetic, yet proud smile.

"I was testing you love, Psycho Roomy has been stoned since Herbology, the only thing she cares about right now is trying to look sober." Evelyn laughed and I hit her arm, yet I must admit I emitted a relieved sigh.

"What type of test was that." I practically yelled.

"I wanted to make sure where you stood with the 'stomach bug' and I must say you've come a long way since the day you found out about it, telling Sirius was a big step." She told me.

"He was a bit offended that it took me so long to tell him."

"Girl, he's not the one growing the child now is he, besides you only just came to terms with it, and you need to birth the child in a little over two months, I think he could cut you some slack. Now get dressed, and just for tonight don't use a concealment charm." She winked before leaving the dorm.

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