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Time jump (1978) Juliet's pov.

My years at Hogwarts came crashing back to me as I stepped onto the Hogwarts express for the last time. I thought back to how much my life has changed in the last seven years, two of my sisters are no longer talking to me, we are in the middle of a wizarding war controlled by a man who is the epitome of a blood supremacist and his cult of followers, most of the students in my house are joining him once we arrive back in London. Dumbledore started a group of wizards he called the Order of the Phoenix, I don't completely trust Dumbledore but if I plan on keeping my loved ones safe I don't have much other choice and so I gave up my name and will start training well into summer.

James and I were more in love than I ever thought was possible, after he saved me from my parents and we worked some things out it was easy to fall back into how things were before. Lily even confessed her love for Elizabeth and the two are now trying to figure out stuff between them,

James and I agreed to wait a few more months before we would move in together, in order to give me time to figure out things with Leo and Andromeda. After Leo's safety has been risked, Andromeda had suggested she become his legal guardian and once I got a stable job and a safe apartment she would be happy to let him go with me. In the meantime the two of us would stay with her, Ted and little Nymphadora, who was turning five this year. Dora and Leo seemed to be getting along quite well, despite their three year age gap, Dora treated him like a little brother and I found it quite adorable, Andromeda would send me pictures at school anytime they did something adorable and I started making a scrapbook for them to look at in the future.

"Everything alright love?" James asked taking my hand and kissing the outside of my palm, I nodded turning my head to him with a small smile.

"Just thinking." I told him entwining our hands and leaning into him, resting my head on his shoulder and placing my free hand on his chest.

"Anything I can help with?" He asked resting his head on top of mine.

"You could take my mind off of it." I whispered, tilting my head so that we were looking at each other again , he smirked and leaned down to kiss me, but before our lips connected we heard an explosion outside in the hallway and instantly jumped up to inspect it, James was technically still headboy so it was his duty after all, we were pretty sure we knew where the explosion happened and more importantly who set it off but just to be safe.

"Oi, Jamie. Quit snogging my cousin and get your arse over here." Sirius exclaimed from a few compartments down, Remus slapped his head before whispering something into his ear, Sirius cleared his throat before turning back to James, "On second thought, snogg all you want. Pete scram."

James laughed before turning back to me, "Moony sure knows how to make him shut up doesn't he." He chuckled leading me back to our compartment.

"Doesn't take much, Remus just has to breathe and Sirius will be at his mercy, honestly I have no idea why it took them that long to get together." I laughed.

"I remember when Sirius's crush started, Merlin he wouldn't shut up about how perfect Moony was, it was always, 'have you noticed how pretty Rem's face is in the moonlight' et cetra."

"What about you, you ever think my face looked pretty in the moonlight." I asked him, placing my legs on either side of him so that I could face him, he smiled and placed my arms around his neck.

"I thought your face looked pretty in every light." He said, his voice barely above a whisper as he trailed kisses up my neck. "I used to lay awake at night wishing I could kiss every inch of it." He said as he reached my chin, I smiled as I felt his hands exploring up my legs, it wasn't long before our lips met and my hands found their way through his hair, lightly tugging at it as he started kissing my neck again. I let out a small quiet moan as he lightly sucked on my skin.

"Woah get a room." Elizabeth gagged as she opened the door to the compartment, James and I practically flew apart at the noise and I rolled my eyes at her rude interruption.

"Where's your girlfriend?" I asked annoyed and Lizzie shrugged.

"Dunno, probably saying her last goodbyes to Marls and Cass, we plan on going on a small trip when we get back to London." She explained, I was sitting back on the bench again and James was fixing his hair.

"In the middle of a war, is that the safest idea." I asked.

"Probably not, but it's either that or allow Lily to go back home where her sister and her new husband will treat her like a freak, and honestly I don't think she deserves to spend her summer like that." Elizabeth explained, I nodded in understanding before looking up at her again.

"Is there a reason you interrupted us so rudely?"

"Couldn't have another Leo on our hands now could we? Speaking of which, this is from me and Lils, for his birthday, since we won't make it to his party, can't believe he's already two, well two and a few months but rather late then never right." She laughed handing me a package. I thanked her and we fell into a conversation about where she planned on going, James placed a kiss on my cheek before leaving to go discuss some things with Remus, Sirius and Peter.

My Romeo- James Potter Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt