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Halloween 1981.

"Juliet hurry, Leo's getting withdrawal symptoms." James yelled up the stairs, I was in the nursery dressing our now one year old daughter, originally we were going to wait until the war was over but nature took its course and I ended up pregnant, I was a lot more prepared for this child but I still had the fear that I wasn't good enough, thankfully I had James with me through everything this time, well except the birth, he tried to be there but he was out on a Auror mission and no one could contact him without blowing his cover.

"From sweets? He had three mars bars today." I said walking down the stairs with my daughter  on my hip. Leo was standing at the door looking at it as if it was a prison.

"There's my favourite girls." James laughed coming over to us, Leo turned around to look at us and crossed his arms over his chest. He was spending too much time around Sirius and James.

"The sweets aren't going to wait for the entire night." He told us, he was one stubborn five year old. James and I laughed and grabbed our wands before heading out.

"He gets that from you." I told James as we walked out of the house, locking the door behind us. After we had Ophelia we decided to move to a muggle village, our neighbours were a nice elderly couple who couldn't get enough of Leo and liked dressing up Ophelia like a doll whenever they babysat.

"I beg to differ." James said sarcastically as he strutted away, Leo following soon after, it was funny how alike the two of them were, I had hoped he would've atleast gotten some of my traits, but no it was all James.

We spent around an hour going from house to house until Leo's basket was full and he was starting to get fussy, Ophelia fell asleep in James's arms and we decided to call it a night and put the kids to bed before curling up on the couch and eating some of the chocolate from Leo's candy basket, only the ones he didn't like though, we're not monsters.

"I was thinking." James said in between bites from his galaxy bar. "Seeing as Leo is starting school soon, I was wondering whether or not we could home-school him, I just think with the war and everything it would be safer." He said, the thought had crossed my mind but I remember as a child how much I dreamed I could attend a regular school where I could meet people.

"I don't know, didn't you ever wish you weren't home-schooled?" I asked him.

"Sometimes but I got to work on my quidditch skills all day every day." He said proudly.

"Besides that. Weren't you ever lonely? I mean, I had siblings but you were an only child your entire life." I said sitting up straight, he followed my actions and we turned to face each other.

"Sometimes but I had Pete and Marlene, they lived right up the road from us, and Leo will have Lia." He told me, I wanted to talk more about it but there was a knock at our front door.

"Must be Sirius, he told me he was planning on a get away weekend with Rem and needed the map for some reason." James said getting up from the couch, "We'll talk more about this soon, okay." I nodded.

"How did you get the map back from Filch?" I asked as he rummaged through a drawer.

"He doesn't have the original, we made a clone for future generations. Here we go." He said walking over to the door, as suspected it was Sirius but he didn't exactly look happy. "Pads, what's wrong?" James asked as I led Sirius inside, only leaving the room to boil the kettle for some tea, I came back with three cups and handed one to each of them, keeping one for myself.

"Liz and Lily, they uhm, Voldemort killed them, they got ratted out and.. I am so sorry." Sirius said bursting into tears, my eyes started burning from tears building up.

"Harry, is he?" I had been so caught off guard with Elizabeth and Lily's death that I had completely forgotten about their son Harry, who was born a couple of months before Ophelia, in a way they were siblings seeing as Lily got inseminated with James's sperm, years ago I would've never thought it possible but here we are, I probably wouldn't have wanted it to happen years ago, but I would do anything for Elizabeth.

"He's alive, he's going to Lily's sister, Dumbledore says it's for the best for him to be with blood relatives and for him to live in the muggle world until he comes of age to attend Hogwarts. I tried fighting him but he sent me away." Sirius explained

"To hell with what Dumbledore thinks, Harry shares a part of my blood surely he doesn't think leaving him with those horrible people are for the best." James exclaimed.

"Who was their secret keeper anyway?" I asked and he looked down.

"Pete, they asked me first but I turned them down, I thought they would be safer with him, I messed up, if I had just taken them up on their offer they would still be alive and Harry would have his mothers, James we need to make sure he doesn't end up with those horrible people, if we hurry we might still catch up with Hagrid." Sirius told us wiping away his tears, him and James jumped up and were out of the door before I could stop them. I sighed and went to check on the kids before taking a shower, I felt like a piece of me died tonight, Lizzie has always been in my life, we were each other's soulmates, she was the peanut butter to my jelly. She was my favourite cousin, not that I would ever tell Sirius that. I could still remember the day Liz and Lily asked James to be their sperm donor. We had all met up for a dinner after an order meeting and Lily brought up how much she wished she could carry a child of her own as she saw Leo running around and that's when Lizzie turned over to James saying how cool it would be for our children to be like siblings and the rest was history, a few months later I fell pregnant with Ophelia and Lily and I went through most of our pregnancy's together. Then the prophecy came out and Elizabeth and Lily had to go into hiding with Harry, we haven't seen them since, too afraid to put them in danger.

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