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James and I ended up sleeping in the room of requirement the entire night, for the first time since I found out I was having a child I felt at peace, but I knew it wouldn't last, soon I'd have to inform Daniel, he deserved to know, right? Am I making the biggest mistake of my life by telling him? Is it going to blow up in my face? Will my parents find out somehow and disown me?

I sat up abruptly after these thoughts circled through my head, I let out slow breaths while stretching out my arms in front of me, I looked around to take in my surroundings, James still laid on the floor asleep, according to Sirius he could sleep through a hurricane. I took some time to take in his features, he looked peaceful while he was asleep, well I guess so does everyone else, but with him it was different, it's like his problems completely disappear the second he lays down his head and allows himself to drift into sleep.

The time seemed to have stopped and I wished we could just stay in here forever, yet that wasn't practical, soon we'd run out of food and I doubt the room can just magically create food out of thin air. I took a look at my watch after some time and realised that it was nearly 10 am, Evelyn would be waking up soon, I lightly tapped James to wake him, but he just groaned and turned over on his side, I laughed and rested my chin on his arm.

"James, time to wake up." I sang.

"Just a few more minutes." He asked.

"Evelyn's going to start worrying when she wakes up to find I have not returned, not to mention I think our roommate is a secret spy." I explained and he sat up raising a confused eyebrow.

"Care to elaborate?"

"There's not much to say other than the fact that she knows everything about everyone before the person even had time to process what they're going through."

"That's, well, I don't have any words for that. How about you go on ahead, I'll clean up here and I'll see you later." He told me and I gave him a small smile.

"I couldn't possibly leave you to clean by yourself."

"It won't take long, go enjoy your Sunday Jules." He told me giving me a kiss on the cheek, I asked him one more time if he was sure before leaving for the common room, I'd be lying if I said I didn't get lost a few times, James had taken numerous short cuts I barely knew where I was going.

"Jules." I heard after taking yet another wrong turn, I turned around and found Lizzie staring at me dumbfounded. "What the hell are you doing on this side of the castle, aren't you supposed to be helping Remus in the library with something." She asked and I looked at her confused.

"No, why would you think that." I asked and she shrugged walking closer to me.

"Sirius was apparently looking for you and Peter told him you were helping Remus." She told me and I laughed.

"James must've had Peter lie, can you imagine Sirius's face if he found out his best friend went on a date with his cousin."

"Wait what." Lizzie exclaimed.

"Oh, right you didn't know, James and I went on a date last night."

"Jeez, thanks for telling me." She crossed her arms looking upset.

"Don't give me that look, you and Dorcas dated for a year before you even told me."

"That's different how was I to know how you would react , what else are you keeping from me, for all I know you could be pregnant." She told me and I looked around akwardly. "Juliet. No. You can't be. I mean. How far along?"

"Six months."

"So....that means.." She trailed off but I knew where she was headed.


"Have you told him yet." She whispered suddenly aware that we're in a corridor. I shook my head and she nodded pulling me into a hug.

"Liz, I think I should write to Andy." I told her and she shook her head.

"Telling any of your sisters is a bad idea, besides you haven't spoken to Andromeda ever since her and Ted eloped, she might not care."

"Not exactly true, I wrote to her during Christmas, she has a kid Liz, named her Nymphadora, poor kid." I explained and Liz smiled.

"A little Dromeda, can already tell the kid's going places." She told me leading me back to the Dungeons, have you thought of any named yet for the little thing growing inside you?" She asked me as we turned a corner.

"I was thinking Gremlin, considering it made me extremely sick throughout the entire thing so far." I told her and she laughed.

"Please don't name your child Gremlin, maybe Daisy if it's a girl." She suggested.

"I don't do flowers." I told her, any boy names.

"Zander if it's a boy, or Harry, Harry is a strong name." She said looking off in the distance.

"Tell you what, if you have a kid one day you name it Harry or Daisy." I told her giving the password to the common room, the two of us walked in to find Cade sleeping on the couch.

"Do you not have a bed Zabini?" I asked leaning on the edge of the couch, he woke up with a start and took in his surroundings.

"What time is it? Where have you been?" He asked, he sounded like my mother after I stayed out an hour too late one summer, well atleast he sounded slightly more concerned she just sounded annoyed I came back without a scratch or story.

"She spent the night at my dorm, it was nearing curfew and we knew she wasn't going to make it back in time, didn't want Filch to catch her." Lizzie cut in before I could say anything.


My Romeo- James Potter Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ