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⚠️Just letting everyone know that this is the chapter where she gives birth, as I've never birthed a child or anything for that matter it won't be 100% accurate so I apologise for that.⚠️

We're also back to third person for a few chapters due to group activities!!


It was a day which started out like any other, Juliet was getting ready as normal and Evelyn was still laying in her bed drooling on her pillow. Juliet had stopped concealing her bump a few weeks ago and instead just wore her robe wherever she went, whoever happened to get a glimpse at her stomach thought she had just gained some weight.

Easter break was closing in, Juliet had arranged with Andromeda to be staying with her during the two weeks off as she wanted to help out with preparation for the baby, which turned out to be a boy. Evelyn had an entire thing organised, everyone who was invited played a series of games to try and figure out the gender of the baby, the last game was the ultimate reveal. A cup filled with some sort of potion turned your stomach either pink or blue temporarily.

Juliet was a bit skeptical at first but Evelyn had assured her that it was entirely safe and that she had gotten it from Madam Pomfrey. The potion revealed a blue-ish purple colour, Juliet wasn't happy at first since she feared the kid would come out looking exactly like Daniel but didn't let that bother her as Sirius claimed he would teach the kid his fashion skills and moves, whatever that meant, as far as she knew his moves included winking at girls he knows he'd never get with and hiding his feelings for the person who obviously feels the exact same way.

Juliet was making her way back to her dorm when she felt something run down her leg, she stopped to look down at the floor James noticed and he turned to look at her confused.

"Everything alright darling?" He asked and Juliet shrugged.

"Oh yeah, totally fine, pretty sure my water just broke but it's grand." She said plainly before walking again, but James lightly grabbed her wrist.

"Jules." He said.

"Yes James."

"Your water just broke." He repeated her words.

"Yeah, I said that." She nodded, she didn't exactly process what was going on entirely, she was told that cramps were involved with labour, and so far she was barely feeling anything.

"Then why are you going to your dorm." He asked.

"Cramps haven't started, I still have some time to get things sorted." She said, James rose an eyebrow. "I need to write to my parents, tell them I'm leaving their house for good." She said and James practically gaped at her.

"You're running." He asked and she shrugged.

"I don't have a choice James, if I don't and they find out about the baby, who knows what they'll do. Ouch, that one hurt like a bitch!" Juliet exclaimed holding onto the closest wall and letting out a breath.

"Jules you okay." James asked going to help her but she just waved him off.

"I'm fine, I'm going to the hospital wing, can you get Evelyn and Lizzie please." She said before walking away. James nodded and rushed off to find the two girls.


An hour later Evelyn and Elizabeth came rushing into the hospital wing with a bunch of necessities, aswell as Sirius and James on their tails. Madam Pomfrey was about to yell at them when Juliet started screaming in pain and she let them all rush to keep her calm.

"How much longer." Juliet groaned as Evelyn wiped a piece of hair from her face.

"It'll be over soon love." Lizzie said joining her on the bed.

"Elizabeth get off of the bed, she needs her space." Andromeda said as she came through the doors along with her husband Ted and Daughter Nymphadora.

"Andy, she's not even fully dilated yet, whatever that means." Sirius said, his mouth full of chocolate, James punched his arm before passing a cup of water to Juliet.

"It means her cervix isn't fully prepared to push out the baby, Ted, hold Dora for me will you." Andromeda said before rushing over to her little sister. "How are you feeling." She asked and Juliet glared at her.

"You've done this before, how do you think I bloody feel. What are you doing here anyways." Juliet asked before a cup was shoved into her hand by Madam Pomfrey.

"Drink this, it helps with the pain." She said, Juliet smelled it and nearly threw up just by the smell.


A couple more hours passed and Juliet had just pushed for the last time before she heard the cries of a baby, her baby. James and Sirius were told to leave when she started to crown in order for some privacy and Ted had taken little Nymphadora on a tour around he grounds of Hogwarts.

"It's a boy." Pomfrey exclaimed and Juliet let out a choked laugh at the fact that the potion was indeed right.

"It's a boy." She repeated. Madam Pomfrey nodded and walked over with the newborn who was wrapped up in a blanket. Juliet sat up and took him from the matron before turning to Andromeda. "He's beautiful." She breathed out, Andromeda smiled and gave her sister a hug, Evelyn and Lizzie shared a proud look as they awed at the newest member of the Black family.

"Do you have a name yet." Lizzie asked taking a seat at the end of the bed, Juliet looked up with a smile.

"Leonardo Atlas, but Leo for short ." She said looking back at her baby.

"That's beautiful." Evelyn said with tearful eyes. "Right Liz." She threatened nudging Elizabeth who had her nose scrunched up at the name, she was mad Juliet didn't name him Zander like she had wanted.

"Mum is going to kill you when she finds out you had a child." Andromeda laughed and Juliet joined in.

"She will never know, I plan on getting away from there, I was going to ask if I could come and live with you, so it won't just be Leo." She asked and Andy nodded

"I would be happy to have you, you best hope Bella doesn't freak though, last I heard she's this close to falling of the deep end, the last thing we need is for her to be close to children. As to mum not finding out about the baby, have you forgotten about that magical family tree painted on aunt Walburga's wall at Grimmuald place?"

"I did forgot about that tree, I haven't been in that place in years, Mum claims it's cursed or something." Juliet said looking down at her son, "Hopefully that doesn't change."

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