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The next day Juliet felt better so she didn't feel the need to go to the hospital wing, she woke up a bit later thanks to the night they had, but felt she couldn't move as Lizzie was practically crushing her and Evelyn was laying with her head on her chest. How they ended up like this, not even Juliet could tell you. Dorcas had fallen asleep on her own bed due to every spot on Juliet's bed being covered.

After some difficult minutes she finally got out without waking either of them, to be honest she could've thrown Lizzie onto the floor and she would stay asleep but the noise would wake Evelyn and she did not want to get on her bad side, she once made a sixth year Ravenclaw cry for underestimating her ability of transfiguration, let's just say the Ravenclaw has a Pink cat until they figure out the counter spell, which according to Evelyn shouldn't be so hard for a Ravenclaw, but considering it's been three years it should be impossible.

Juliet decided on going to the common room where she could sit and think for a while, aswell as catch up on some of her potions homework, Slughorn had assigned them a six foot long essay on the properties of Moonstone and what potions it is mostly used in, so far she has about three words written down, and that's only the heading.

"I'm screwed." She groaned hitting her head on the table, but quickly looked up when she heard a chuckle behind her, she looked back and saw Cade Zabini looking at her with an eyebrow raised in amusement.

"What did that table ever do to you." He asked and her face grew red, not because she was embarrassed, but, well she didn't really know why it did that, she just blamed it on hormones or whatever.

"It's not the table that's done something, more like me not being able to concentrate." She explained and he nodded in understanding.

"Got something on your mind I see." He said, she shrugged, if she was being honest she had too much on her mind that she couldn't block out.

"Guess you could say that, anyways what are you still doing here, thought you would be down in the Great Hall already." She asked closing her potions book as she knew she wasn't going to get anything out of it.

"I already had breakfast, I was actually looking for you, you missed mail this morning and this letter came for you, it has the Lestrange stamp on it so it must be important." He said taking out a letter from his pocket and handing it to her.

She thanked him and inspected the letter a bit before opening it, deciding she would be much more comfortable in front of the fire, she moved over to sit in the armchair.

Dear Jules,

Hope you had an amazing birthday, I'm going to be quite honest with you, I did not expect to be hearing from you until atleast Christmas so imagine my surprise when that dreadful owl came and dropped off your letter.

Seems like you got yourself in some sort of love triangle which I can't blame you for, but just remember what ever relationship you have with either one of those boys won't matter.

As you are aware our family has a tradition of arranged marriages and I suggest you don't go and mess it up by going against Mother and Father's choices.

But despite that, I am the last person you should be asking for relationship advice, I mean have you seen my love life, it's non existent, I recommend you write to Cissy.

With all that said, your birthday present might be a little late as it has to be transported from Egypt.


Trix. (Ps. Mum wants you to confirm your plans for Christmas.)

As she finished the letter she sighed and threw it in the fire, per Bella's instructions many years ago, she didn't want people finding them and using it against her somehow, whatever that meant.

After processing everything that Bellatrix's had said, Juliet found both Lizzie and Evelyn still asleep on her bed but they were now joined by Snowflake who decided to spread out over Lizzie's stomach, with her paws in the air like a true drama queen, sometimes Juliet wondered if Sirius hadn't taken her once or twice and gave her a crash course on how to be a cat queen of some sorts.

Juliet got dressed into some comfortable yet appropriate clothes and brushed through her hair before making her way out of the dorm and up to the Great Hall for a late breakfast, the only thought on her mind being to stay as far away from the Gryffindor table as possible, she was not in the mood to talk to either James or Daniel, even if that meant she had to avoid Remus and Sirius, which in all honesty wouldn't be the first time.

She sat down at the Slytherin table and grabbed two blueberry muffins aswell as a few pieces of bacon and some apple juice, she was just about to take a bite out of her muffin when it was grabbed out of her hand.

"Reggie, c'mon I was just about to eat that." She groaned and he chuckled putting it back on her plate, handing her an apple instead.

"From what I heard, you had quite the night last night, and I am not about to let you suffer a headache from all of that sugar." Reggie explained sitting next to her, before sliding underneath the table to sit across from her. "Is it true you came back to the common room looking like you were going to be sick all over the floor." He whispered and she nearly threw him with the apple, but stopped herself just in time as some of the professors were looking around the Hall.

"It's not entirely wrong , but you will not be repeating that to anyone, understand." She said and he nodded.

"Got it."

"Who told you that anyway." She asked taking a bite out of her apple.

"Apparently your Roommate isn't mute, she's been telling the whole common room about it." He shrugged and Juliet nearly choked on her apple.

"She can speak?" She asked and Regulus nodded grabbing himself some food.

"Quite well actually, I'd be careful about what you say around her, don't want her spreading some stories." He warned.

"Who's spreading stories?" Evelyn asked joining them.

"Our roommate." Juliet groaned, she still had a headache but thought nothing of it, last night had been long.

"She's not mute?" Evelyn questioned.

"Apparently not."


A/N: The book does switch to first person soon just because I felt more comfortable writing it that way, let me know if I should change the first few chapters or leave it as is!

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