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"Juliet." I heard my name but I didn't answer, I couldn't move, it felt like I was being squeezed into a small room filled with water and electric eels. Why did I allow my parents to control my life once again, I had promised myself I was done with them, guess I was wrong. "Juliet, honey, you need to get some fresh air." Andromeda urged but I still didn't move.

Summer break started a little over a week ago and ever since I stepped foot onto platform 9 3/4 everything started going downhill, I had Andromeda waiting by the wall, my parents standing on the opposite side and James and Lily being all cute and cuddly not far away, I guess I should be relieved James finally got to be with his one true love, but even months after us breaking up it still hurt. I grabbed my trunk and walked over to Andromeda, ready to go back to her house and see Leo who turned 1 not long ago, McGonagall had allowed me to go see him on the day thankfully but it still felt like I haven't seen him in forever.

As I reached Andromeda we realised our parents were making their way over to us, "Juliet, go wait in the car." Andromeda said, I refused, sometimes I wished I wasn't this stubborn, Andy sighed and turned back to our parents, "Mother, Father, to what do we owe this surprise visit." She asked sweetly.

"Have you forgotten about your sister's betrothal." Our mother said and both Andy and I shared a confused look, both Narcissa and Bellatrix were already married.

"You can't seriously mean Juliet, she's still a child, she's still in school." Andromeda protested but our parents ignored her, turning towards me.

"You have brought shame upon our family's name the second you had that child." Of course she knew, they had sent me numerous howlers during the last summer, they knew where I was staying and therefore they could make my life a living hell even if I wasn't living with them. "Your betrothal has been moved to this summer instead of the next." My father said shortly, he didn't look me in the eyes, he never could, he was a cowardice man who hid behind my mother through most of my childhood, only joining you-know-who out of fear that he would be killed, no regard to the dangers he bestowed onto his family the second he did so.

"And if I refuse?" I asked.

"You will be disowned and your child will be sent to live with the Aleksandrov's where no one will know of this mistake." My mother said plainly, I looked at Andromeda for advice and she just shook her head, I knew what I had to do.

"I will do it, on one condition." I said, I could see the disappointment on Andromeda's face, but I had to think of my child's life and not only my own. She would've gone against their wishes, hell she did. But with me it was different, she had a love she could run of and get married too, I didn't.

"And that is?" My father asked, he looked intrigued.

"Joanna never gets her grubby little hands close to my child and you will erase her knowledge of his existence completely. Leo is my son, and mine only. Daniel made that perfectly clear when I told him." I told them and my parents nodded, pleased with the agreement we came to, "Oh and one last thing, I get to invite whoever the hell I want and the date will remain until after I graduate." I said and my mother scoffed.

"Your muddblood and halfbreed friends are not welcome in my house, and you are seventeen so you are eligible to get married, details will be sent to you closer to the day, goodbye child." And like that they dissapeared and I remembered we still stood on the platform with students staring at us like we were some sort of circus act. There went my hopes for a peaceful seventh year.

Back to present time, it was the day of the wedding, my parents didn't waste any time with arrangements and the invitations were apparently sent out months ago, which meant they knew I wouldn't refuse, I say they but really we all know this was all my mother's doing.

"Juliet, you can't just mope around all day, you have a son to take care of, he's missed you a lot and you've been distant ever since we returned." Andromeda scolded me, dragging me out of my room and down into the living room where Dora was playing with Leo on the floor with some building blocks, though he was more interested in Dora who kept changing the colour of her hair everytime she picked up a new block.

"Andy, I'm afraid, what if whoever they set me up with wants nothing to do with kids, well kids who are not his own, pressuming he's some sort of heir he would want heirs to his empire but he won't see Leo as that." I sighed, speaking for the first time this entire summer, I was pacing at this point and didn't realise Leo was mimicking me and walking behind me all along.

"Mama." I heard and stopped dead in my tracks causing him to walk into my leg and he fell backwards landing on the carpet with a giggle, I turned around with a wild smile and scooped him into my arms.

"Andy, he said mama, did you hear that." I sad with the first genuine excitement I've had in a while. Leo giggled and clapped his hands together exitedly.

"I heard Jules, wildly talented that little boy of yours is." She laughed taking Dora's hand and leading us towards the porch. "I'm sure whoever our dear loving parents picked out for you will be just as loving and kind as father." She laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Using the term loving and kind to describe our parents sure is a terrible choice of wording." I told her, I put Leo down in front of me before sitting down on the porch swing so that he could play with Dora again.

"I was trying to make you feel better, but you are right it just sounds unnatural. What time are you expected to show up." She asked me, using her wand to bring over fresh lemonade she made a while ago.

"Five, which would give me an hour to plot my escape route, there is no way in hell I'm going on a honeymoon with whatever snob they set me up with." I told her looking at the big clock that sat in the view of the door, it was only 1 o'clock meaning in four hours my life would no longer belong to me. "Maybe if I'm lucky the church will burn down before then." I said hopefully.

"If it does they'll just find another venue." Andromeda said, I sighed and looked out at the field, I found myself thinking of James again for the first time in a while. It was pathetic, when was I ever the type of girl to think of a guy who not only broke my heart but got together with the girl I was told not to worry about.

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