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"JULIET." Druella's voice rung out as Juliet took James's hand allowing him to disapparate to where it was safe. She knew there would be horid consequences but at that moment she really couldn't care less. James had assured her Leo would be safe and for now that was enough.

The second her feet hit the ground she grabbed onto James to stabilise herself but quickly let go when the door flung open revealing a relieved Andromeda. "Thank Godric you're alright." She said pulling the younger Black sister into a bone crushing hug.

"Andy, you literally saw me this morning, couldn't you have informed me of the plan then." Juliet asked a bit irritated with her older sister.

"It was risky, we didn't know whether or not they would give you anything to reveal things so it was established that we keep you out of it, the whole safe house was Reg's idea, he wrote to everyone involved and made sure James could get in through the protection spells." She explained, Juliet still didn't fully comprehend what she had just done but nodded nonetheless, she looked back towards James and saw he was akwardly standing with his hands behind his back, Andromeda realised and made up an excuse before leaving towards the kitchen.

"Can we talk?" James asked, Juliet sighed and nodded, following James towards the parlour that looked out to a garden where Nymphadora played with Leo, it warmed Juliet's heart everytime she saw the two together and only hoped that they would remain close throughout their entire lives.

"Why?" Juliet breathed out, trying hard to keep her voice stable, surprising James, he didn't expect her to speak up first.

"Because I'm an idiot." He confessed not meeting her eyes, "I really did fall for you Jules, truly, just because I smelled Lily in that potion does not change that." He told her, she still refused to look at him.

"It was Amortentia, the world's strongest love potion, smelling it can drive a person to insanity especially after a considerable amount of time. Never in the history of the potion's existence has someone who claims to have fallen deeply for someone smelled someone else and continued to be in a relationship with the one they did not smell. Not to mention you and Evans started dating soon after, what am I supposed to do with that James?"

"Screw terminology or whatever that crap is, Juliet, I love you, more than I thought was possible, isn't that enough." He scoffed looking right at her, she turned towards him, tears pooling up in her eyes.

"If you had told me a few years ago that James Potter, out of all people would confess his love to me I would have instantly jumped at the opportunity to say how I've basically been in love with you since the first time we met, but this time around it's different, you know why that is James." She let out a humourless laugh. James shrugged and she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "Because, I saw how quickly you run to Evans when she breathes funny or when she's having a slightly bad day, you never did that for me, sure we had some amazing memories together, but our relationship was built on a fantasy."

"But I don't want Evans. Don't you get it, what do you want me to do to prove to you that it's you and will forever be you that I am in love with." He pleaded, he made it really hard for Juliet to stay mad, but not impossible.

"What do you want me to say. You want me to tell you to stop hanging around Evans, make me seem like that girl who can't trust other girls, cause if that was it I'm afraid you are mistaken, Lily is a good person, there is no doubt in that it is you who needs to change." She laughed.

"If I may." The two heard from the door and turned around to see Marlene leaning against it.

"How long have you been standing there?" James asked, Marlene shrugged.

"Long enough. Juliet please don't make the same mistake I did, James is a great guy who deserves a second chance." Marlene started, Juliet was confused how her turning down James would be anything close to a mistake she's caused, as far as she knew Marlene was never one for relationships.

"Marlene last time I checked you don't do relationships." James said. It was like he read Juliet's mind or something. "Not that I wouldn't value your opinion any less." He said quickly.

"Thanks. I guess." Marlene said walking into the room and taking a seat on the couch. "As I was saying, turning down James Potter would be a big mistake, sure he messed up but that doesn't mean he loves you any less, there had been cases where someone smelled a former love in Amortentia but that didn't mean they were still head over heels for that person. Juliet do you really believe that if James didn't love you he would've crashed your wedding, we all know how crazy the Black family can get and would rather die than to cross them, unless it's for the sake of someone you love." Juliet looked over at James and he was rubbing the back of his neck.

"Is what she's saying true." She asked and James nodded looking at her, his eyes were glossy.

"I never knew what true love felt like until I met you and honestly I couldn't believe that I'd ever fall for a Slytherin but here we are." He chuckled, Juliet couldn't stop the small smile stretching over her face, no matter how much she might have tried.

"I don't know, we can try this once again, BUT, if you ever do anything that might remotely hurt me and Leo I will not hesitate to remove you from our lives, permanently, understood." She smiled, yet faintly and he nodded coming in for a kiss but she stopped him, placing her hand over his mouth . "This time we're doing things differently, I want a date first, last time things felt extremely rushed and look how that turned out."

"Young love, how sweet." Marlene said from the couch and both of them turned to look at her. "Right, I'll leave you two alone."

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