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I was dreading today, why did I agree to let Sirius set me up with one of his friends, apparently Marlene was roped into it by Frank Longbottom aswell and Alice, a Gryffindor in our year, was roped in by James.I assumed Lizzie and Dorcas would be going together and Evelyn agreed to tag along as long as she could pick her own date.

I got dressed into some jeans and a floral top and matched them with some white sneakers, I curled my hair, parting it down the side and applied a bit of maskara and lip gloss before going over to Evelyn's bed to wake her up and then left to go up to the Great Hall for breakfast, leaving the dungeon's and walking through the basement felt strange, ever since Ev set off those Dung bombs, the Hufflepuff's haven't exactly been the nicest to any of the Slytherin's.

I got to the Hall just in time to witness Regulus getting thrown with apple juice by a Slytherin girl in his year, by the looks of it he must've said something really bad, I quickly rushed over and tried holding back my laugh while handing him some napkins.

"What did you say to her." I asked and he looked down embarrassed.

"I asked her if she wanted to go to Hogsmead with me and she told me she would much rather swim in a tank full of Grindylows." He said taking a bite out of a green apple, he seriously had an obsession with apples, especially the green ones,it was quite odd really.

"Oh, Reg, I'm sorry, it probably had nothing to do with you and more with her, she just couldn't see what an amazing person you are, underneath all of that macho toughness you pretended you have." I joked messing up his hair, it must've cheered him up a bit as he chuckled before slapping my hand away.

"I don't pretend to have anything." He said crossing his arms over his chest, trying to suppress a smirk.

"Uh huh, sure." I said reaching for a muffin but once again he placed an apple on my plate, "Reg, can't I just have a muffin for once in my life." I sulked and he rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean for once in your life, you have a muffin every single morning, I only give you an apple once a week, don't go making me the bad person in this situation." He defended and I grabbed the apple and took a bite before smiling sweetly.


"Very, oh just a heads up, Potter is staring at you, which I don't get why, I'm obviously way more attractive." He told me and I laughed.

"Then what makes you so sure he isn't staring at you."

"Because I can clearly tell he isn't, otherwise he would've looked away already."

"Fair point, anyway he could be daydreaming aswell." I shrugged.

"Would you just get it into your head that one of the hottest lads at this school is staring at you the way you stare at muffins." He sighed and I raised an eyebrow.

"Reg, seems like you've got a crush." I winked and his cheeks grew red.

"What! Me? A crush on James Potter. Whatever, clearly you've gone mental." He said getting up and walking away, quickening his pace every two steps, I laughed and put down the apple grabbing a muffin instead. He's had a crush on James since the first time he laid eyes on him, we Black's sure have good taste.

"What's up with Reg this morning." Evelyn asked finally joining me.

"Nothing, he's just being Reggie. You exited for today." I asked and she shrugged.

"I don't know if my date was the right choice." She shrugged.

"Who did you pick?"

"Cade Zabini, he seemed like the best choice, considering we've been friends for years." She told me.

"He isn't that bad, why are you having second thoughts?" I asked.

"He doesn't get along with any of the Gryffindor's it might be akward for him." She said grabbing a piece of bacon, probably unaware of it as she was in fact a vegetarian.

"You sure you want to eat that." I asked and she nodded absent mindedly and taking a bite of it before spitting it out.

"Why didn't you stop me." She yelled and I couldn't help but laugh. Sometimes I wonder what goes on inside that head of hers.

"I warned you." I smiled, "You ready to go, we might catch the first carriages." I asked and she nodded, getting up from the bench.

"Who do you think your date is?" Evelyn asked as we reached the carriage.

"No idea, Sirius wouldn't tell me." I told her as I got in.

"See that's why I picked my own date, it's a lot less nerve wracking."

"It's not that I'm nervous per say, more like I really don't want to spend Valentine's day around a bunch of marauders." I explained crossing my legs onto the seat, Evelyn following close by.

"Not even Potter, don't tell me you've already gotten over him." She asked me and I shrugged.

"I don't know what exactly it is I feel for him, he's nice and all, but then again he's Sirius's best friend and he's madly in love with Evans. Not to mention he's been pretty much avoiding me."

"Girl, did you forget about that kiss, he could've quite literally kissed anyone in that room, yet he picked you, he didn't as much as give Lily a second glance, as for why he's avoiding you, you're not much better." She exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

"He most likely did that to piss of Sirius, those two are always bickering, kissing Lily wouldn't have gotten a reaction out of him. And I only avoided him because he seems to always be around Daniel."

"You my dear are in denial." Evelyn laughed as the carriage came to halt, we got out and walked around for a bit before heading of to the Three Broomsticks where everyone was waiting.


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