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"JULIET CASSEOPIA BLACK, HOW DARE YOU GO AGAINST OUR ORDERS AND DATE A BLOODTRAITOR, NOT TO MENTION, YOUR STUDIES ARE GOING TERRIBLY. IF YOU DON'T START STEPPING UP THERE WILL BE SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES!" I hid my face in my arms as the voice of my father rang through the hall, all eyes were on me, turns out my roommate had wrote to my parents and informed them of me and James going out a couple of times. Not entirely sure how she found out as I was sure never to bring it up around her. The girl clearly wanted to make my life hell. What a great way to end a day, no idea why my parents would send a howler at this time. I was right to be paranoid though.

Things were actually going great between me and James, surprisingly as most of my relationships ended terribly, I had to tell him of the pregnancy but he didn't seem bothered, on another note, Daniel had decided he was going to avoid me for the rest of the year, good riddance, if I had known it was this easy I should've found out months ago. And as you could probably tell by that wonderful howler tye entire school now knows of me and James, don't worry we told Sirius after our third date and he took it surprisingly well.

There were only a few months left of the school year, I was able to hide my bump with a consealment charm, I was due in May and Andromeda agreed to take in the child until summer and we could figure out what to do from there. I was still studying non-stop, even though everyone who knew of the baby urged me not to burn myself out, it kept my mind busy, if I didn't have studying I would go insane.

"You really are in big trouble little cousin." I heard and lifted my head to find Sirius smirking at me, he was one of the many people who was unaware of the human growing inside of me, I just knew if I told him he'd freak out and try and murder Daniel for "sleeping with his baby cousin.".

"You have no idea." I groaned and got up from the table. "I'm headed to my common room, looking for Evelyn, so if you see her around send her my way." I told him and turned towards the dungeons, I knew I could probably have spoken to him, seeing as our family already sees him as a disappointment but I really didn't need one of his jokes on how "it's for the better." or how soon they'll simply move on to the next thing that goes wrong in their "perfect family."

As I walked down the steps to the dungeons I found James leaning against the wall, a small smile came to my face as I saw he had doughnuts in a little bag.

"There you are." He smiled walking up to me and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Sorry about your dad, I heard doughnuts help." He said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Who told you that?" I asked taking the bag from him, "Not that I'm complaining, I do love doughnuts." I laughed leading him through the entrance of the common room. I haven't seen Evelyn in a while and was getting worried, ever since I had informed her of the baby she hasn't left my side, so her disappearing without an explanation was odd. I didn't bring it up to James since it looked like he had something on his mind. "James you alright." I asked laying on my bed and he chuckled laying next to me.

"I'm alright love, just thinking is all." He told me and I rested my head on his shoulder, his hand on my stomach comfortably, it gave me butterflies everytime he did that.

"Anything I could help with?" I asked.

"No it's alright no need to worry, just an idea I got for a prank." He told me, taking his free hand and playing with a piece of my hair.

"My parents aren't exactly happy with me."
I said after a while and he sighed knowingly.

"They seem like the type of people who are never happy, be honest, have you ever seen them smile genuinely." He asked and I took a minute to think back before nodding my head slightly.

"Once, it had been after Bellatrix graduated, my parents were so exited for her to get married to that Lestrange bloke they managed a smile, that night my mother couldn't stop fussing over her dress and what a beautiful bride she'd make. It's funny to think, not long after that I had gotten my Hogwarts letter, yet my parents never acknowledged it." I said before going silent, thoughts were going through my head, thoughts I didn't want.

"James." I mumbled.

"Yes love."

"What if I mess up." I asked, he didn't say anything for a while, instead he tilted my head up towards his own, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"Then you will learn from it and come out stronger, a lot of parents mess up, what makes a difference is that they try their best to overcome it and become better for their child." He told me, I smiled lightly and gave him another kiss. "And I will be there for you in whatever way you need."

"Who knew James Potter could be so poetic." I heard from the door, I looked past James's head and found Evelyn leaning against the door.

"How long have you been standing there." I asked and she shrugged.

"Long enough, Potter you can leave now, Sirius told me to make sure you don't fool around with his cousin and I'm a person who sticks to their word." She said and I laughed, James chuckled and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before making his way over to the door.

"See you in class tomorrow." He trailed off as Evelyn slammed the door shut in his face.

"Jules you are in serious trouble, Psycho roomy has it out for you, having James over has got to come to an end, your parents are already bloody pissed about you dating, the last thing you need is Miss Psycho to gain more dirt on you." She told me, positioning herself next to me.

"Where have you been this entire day " I asked not entirely listening to her warning, I could handle our roommate, I just need go find her informant.

"I had to do some things."

"What things?"

"Not important, the only important thing you need to know is to go to The Astronomy tower tomorrow night and for the love of Merlin tell Sirius about the fetus, he's starting to pick up on your behaviour, eating more than usual, getting sick in the middle of class every day like clockwork, not to mention that day you forgot to do the concealment charm and pretended to be heavily bloated."

"Does this meeting have anything to do with the stomach bug." I asked and she shrugged.

"Maybe, now will you stop referring to your child as a bug." She scolded.

"But all it does is make me sick, not to mention the amount of times I have to bloody pee. I feel like calling it a bug for as long as I live." I told her and she simply rolled her eyes before getting up and walking over to her desk and taking out an envelope.

"Madam Pomfrey had given this to me after your last check up, the meeting tomorrow is a gender reveal, now it all depends whether or not you want to know the gender, otherwise it's simply a gathering of friends." She revealed.

"Is that why you were so persistent on me telling Sirius."

"Maybe, now go."

My Romeo- James Potter Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora