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"James, where are you taking me?" Juliet giggled as James led her towards who knows where. It's been months since Juliet gave birth and she's been staying with Andromeda since the beginning of summer, trying to figure out being a new mother aswell as trying to prepare for the upcoming school year, not to mention trying to hangout with friends in the process, it was a mess to say the least.

There was exactly a week left of summer break and so far she's been cooped up in the house 24/7, mainly because she refused to leave Leo alone for more than 10 minutes, but hey atleast she was trying, unlike Daniel who completely disappeared from the planet and refused to respond to her letters, she had informed him of the birth and sent photos every once in a while, even though he wanted no part in Leo's life, Juliet held onto hope that one day he would change his mind and if he did he would have these as momentous.

"It's a surprise." James said his hands covering her eyes as they were nearing the destination. Juliet could hear music and laughter and she swore she heard Sirius yell something about Remus 'wolfing out' whatever that meant. "Alright, just a few more steps." James announced rather loud and everything else went quiet before he removed his hands from her eyes revealing a beautifully decorated tent and all their friends from school.

"Surprise." Everyone yelled and Juliet couldn't help but feel overwhelmed.

"What is this for?" She asked with a choked laugh.

"Well obviously it's a going back to school party, Prongs had us set this up so that you can have a well deserved break before we head back to Hoggy warty Hogwarts." Sirius said, Juliet turned to James and saw he had an embarrased grin on his face.

"I love it." She said before pulling him in for a quick kiss. "Thank you."

"It's nothing." James waved off, Juliet laughed and went to greet everyone else, to her surprise Lily wasn't there, according to Marlene she was still visiting family in Spain and wouldn't be back until the day before the train leaves. Lizzie looked sad about that. Dorcas wasn't there either, her family went to Egypt for the summer and she wasn't returning for another week.


The night went by quickly, Evelyn had to leave before nine the next morning so she didn't drink as much as everyone else. Sirius and James told Euphemia and Fleamont they'd be out at Andromeda's if they needed to contact them. Lizzie told her parents she was spending the week with Ravenclaw friends, Marlene was supposed to be at James's and Remus, well apparently he was able to convince the matron at the boys home to let him out for a few days and he would be returning at the end of the week with plenty of time to prepare for the train.

It was early the next morning when Juliet was woken by a tapping at her window, she got up and nearly tripped over someone in the process before allowing the snowy owl to enter the bedroom. Luckily Leo had been sleeping in Nymphadora's room, otherwise she would have a screaming baby to deal with aswell as a headache. She untied the letter from the bird's leg before letting him go with a treat.

Juliet Casseopia Black.

I am writing to you in regards of your child. It was made clear to me that he is indeed my grandchild and I would like to make life easier for you by suggesting I take him and raise him as if he was my own.

Please inform me of your decision before noon tomorrow.

Kind Regards.

Joanna Alexanderov.

"What the actual fu-." Juliet started but was cut off when Lizzie coughed behind her.

"There are children in this house." She warned and Juliet nodded. "Right."

"Whatcha got there?" Lizzie asked walking towards her cousin, Juliet shrugged and tore up the letter.

"Nothing, it's not important, how about we go and make some breakfast before these hormonal teens wake up." Juliet laughed and Lizzie agreed, knowing not to push when it came to Juliet as it never ended well for her so she didn't bring up the letter. "I'll get Leo and meet you downstairs, alright." Juliet said as she could hear her child starting to wake up. Elizabeth nodded and ran downstairs where she saw Remus sitting with a cup of coffee.

"Good morning Lupin, couldn't sleep?" She asked walking over to the fridge.

"Something like that, you?" He asked her.

"Juliet got a letter and I woke up when the bloody bird tapped on the window." She explained walking over to the counter with milk and eggs.

"Who was the letter from?" Remus asked.

"No idea, she tore it up, she looked quite pissed though."

"Elizabeth watch your tongue, there are children living here." Juliet laughed as she walked into the kitchen carrying both Leo and Nymphadora. Nymphadora who was a metamorphagus currently had curly blue hair and pink eyes, which matched her doll perfectly.

"Look at you carrying two children like it's nothing." Elizabeth mocked and Juliet just rolled her eyes.

"Ju-Ju, what for bweakfast." Nymphadora asked and Juliet looked over at Elizabeth, before placing Nymphadora on the floor.

"I believe auntie Liz told me she's making Pancakes, how about you go help her while I get baby Leo a bottle." Juliet told her niece who just nodded and ran over to Elizabeth who picked her up and placed her onto the counter.

Soon the kitchen was filled with hungry/hungover teenagers who couldn't stay awake and a four year old who kept changing her hair to fit everyone, not to mention a very tired Juliet who was barely staying awake when Andromeda came in and offered to feed Leo for her.

Evelyn left at half eight by floo powder and promised to write to them all the second she could. Lizzie disappeared halfway through the day and returned with red streaks down her face, her and Dorcas have been fighting for a while now, no doubt she received a letter from her, Marlene was playing around with Nymphadora and Sirius was trying to beat Remus in wizarding chest while Juliet laid peacefully on James's stomach in the late afternoon in the August sun. Leo was down for his afternoon nap and Andromeda and Ted went out on a date. Andromeda's exact words were "It's not every day you get free babysitters, so it's best to take advantage of it when you can." Before the two apparated, it's not really babysitting when one of the kids belongs to you, more like a play date.

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