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Third Person:

"I object." The voice rung through the dimly lit chapel and every single person turned towards the entrance where a boy stood, though he wasn't a boy anymore, he was nearing adulthood, but the tears in his eyes and soaked clothes made him seem like a child who got caught in a storm and needed a way out.

"That's preposterous, how dare you interrupt suce a momentous occasion." Druella exclaimed getting up from her seat, removing her wand from her sleeve, before pointing it at the objector.

"Mother no." Juliet exclaimed recognising him, it was James, her James, well not hers anymore, not since he practically confessed his love for Lily Evans. "Don't hurt him, please!" Juliet begged and Druella turned towards her daughter instead.

"This blood traitor interrupted a momentus occasion, he deserves to be punished." Druella sneered once again pointing her wand at James.

"This doesn't change anything, the wedding should still proceed as normal despite the interruptions." Cygnus said joining in, sometimes Juliet wondered why her parents even wanted her to get married so soon, did they want to be rid of her, cause if that was the fact she would happily leave and never return, she was basically gone already, they just had to blast her face from the bloody tree Walburga kept in her house.

"Juliet we need to talk." James pleaded, Druella rolled her eyes and ordered two men to lead James outside, Juliet closed her eyes and thought of her options, she could listen to what James had to say and risk losing Leo or she could leave it and just do as her parents said. The choice was obvious yet she still felt a tinge of guilt for not hearing James out, she turned back to face the priest and could practically hear the sigh of relief that left her mother's lips.

"Please continue." She said but the officiant didn't speak.

"Well hurry up why don't you." Bellatrix exclaimed from next to her, making Juliet jump, for a second she had forgotten Bellatrix was there, only because she's been silent throughout the entire ceremony up until that point.

"I'm afraid that isn't possible." The officiant informed them, everyone gasped, "Until it is made clear that the objection was false the ceremony cannot continue." He said simply closing his book and walking away, Juliet turned to look at her parents, they had disappointment written all over their faces.

"Fix this or kiss your little boy good-bye." Druella said, said to her in a way that looked to be innocent and comforting but threatening at the same time, no one else seemed to have heard the threat. Juliet sighed, walking out of the chapel where James stood with his tail between his legs, it had seemed to have stopped raining by now so she rushed over to him and grabbed his arm before leading him towards a tree not too far away.

"What do you want?" She asked and he rubbed the back of his neck and taking a deep breath, "Look Potter, I don't have the whole day, so either you spit it out or just leave, but before you do go in there and inform that kind man that this was all a big mistake." She practically yelled but was able to compose herself, no need to attract more attention than necessary, not that she didn't already have a few onlookers.

"It wasn't all a big mistake." He said and Juliet grew more impatient.

"You made your choice Potter, live with it. I'm making a living for myself and my son, I can't just think of myself anymore." She said fluffing her dress, "How did you now of the wedding anyway."

"You're joking, right, it's been talk of the town for days, also Sirius got word from Reg, he would of been here but he couldn't bare running into your lot again." James said, he himself started to get irritated, he only came to ensure Juliet doesn't make a mistake, at least that's what he told himself.

"J- Potter, please just get on with it." She said, James sighed and nodded.

"I made a mistake in choosing Lily, I guess a part of me will always love her but an even bigger part fell for you, and Leo." He started, Juliet cut him off before he could finish.

"You waited an entire year to tell me that." She asked annoyed.

"It wasn't a full year." He defended.

"And that's supposed to make me feel better, even if I wanted to forgive you I can't, if I don't go through with this they will take Leo away from me." She said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Who's taking Leo away." He asked her and she hesitated whether or not she's said too much.

"It doesn't matter, we could never be together, not in this life. And in some twisted way I will forever love you James, and you will forever remain my Romeo, even if it turns out I am not your Juliet." She told him with a solemn look before kissing his cheek, "Just please, undo what you have done, if it is your wish for me to be happy." She pleaded and he placed a hand on her cheek.

"I can not let you throw away your life, I promise you Leo would be fine." He told her, kissing her gently on the lips, a small fire ignited inside of her, one she hasn't felt in a while, she kissed him back for a few seconds before pulling away, looking around relieved to see no one was around anymore.

"How can you make a promise when you don't know the results." She asked and he chuckled.

"It's like a marriage vow, you make the promise intending to keep it but in more cases than one it ends up in divorce, but in others the couple remain together for the rest of their lives, this is one of those promises where you don't know the results but you hope for the best." He explained, Juliet took a few seconds to think.

"If I run they will hunt me down, you know that right." She reminded him.

"Then we'll have to ensure they don't find you."

"What if I refuse to come." She said still not entirely willing to put Leo's life in danger.

My Romeo- James Potter Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя