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"I might just kill Sirius." I yelled as we got back to the Slytherin common room that night, Lizzie was with us, it's been a tradition over the years that we sleepover in someone's dorm every Valentines day no matter if you were dating someone.

"He doesn't know about how you and Daniel does he?" Evelyn asked leading me towards our dorm.

"If he did he surely would not have set us up on a date, seriously what was he thinking." I exclaimed falling onto my bed, pushing my face into my pillow.

"That his cousin somehow knew the new Gryffindor and he didn't want him feeling left out." Lizzie said and I could feel her sitting at the end of my bed, I looked up from my pillow and sat up straight.

"You think?" I asked genuinely, she nodded with a small smile on her face.

"Besides it's not like you paid any attention whatsoever to Mr. Bulgaria, you were way too concerned with Mr. Gryffindor Chaser's hair." Evelyn teased and I threw her with one of my many pillows.

"Seriously 'Mr.Bulgaria' and 'Mr.Gryffindor Chaser.' that's just sad." Lizzie rolled her eyes and Evelyn told her that if she could figure out better nicknames she's more than welcome too say them out loud, and that's exactly what she did for the next, well I'm not sure how long, as I fell asleep after about an hour of them yelling names left and right.


I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, which was strange considering I didn't drink and I also didn't eat much sugar, well exept for the sugarquils I snuck in during dinner, yet that didn't explain the nausea that came over me, I stumbled over my shoes and headed straight for the bathroom, I splashed some water onto my face and let out small breaths, I haven't felt this bad since the night of my birthday. I decided it was probably safest for me to go see Madam Pomfrey.

Making sure that I wasn't followed I quickly slipped into the hospital wing and walked over to the healer's office, thankfully she was already awake and her door stood slightly open, I lightly knocked and she looked up from her desk, telling me to sit down, I nodded and took a seat.

"What can I do for you Miss. Black?" She asked and I nervously chewed my bottom lip.

"I haven't been feeling well for quite some time now." I mumbled out, I always hated going to healers as a kid, they only ever gave me bad news.

"Care too elaborate." She asked me, leading me to a cot and handing me a hospital gown, great I needed tests.

"Nothing too severe, just a few headaches followed by nausea but I rarely ever throw up." I explained, she nodded and wrote down some things in her notebook.

"Have you been sexually active in the last say nine months." She asked, I doubted whether or not I should be honest or not, but I guess honesty was the best option for me at the moment.

"A few months ago, yes." I told her and she just nodded again.

"Has your menstrual cycle been regular?"

"Not really, but then again it never is, this isn't the first time I've missed my period."

"Would you say it happens every month or all the odd months?"

"Depends, I guess." I shrugged, she was silent for a while, before instructing me too lay down.

"I'm going too run a few test, nothing extreme, you won't even feel a thing." She told me and I nodded, she gave me a sweet smile before scanning her wand over my body, stopping above my stomach for a few minutes before moving on.

"You can go ahead and enjoy your Sunday dear, the results have to go through a screening, you may return tonight after dinner and it will be back." Madam Pomfrey told me after running every possible test in the book, per my request of course, I nodded and pulled my day cloak back on before heading down for breakfast. I got to the hall and saw both Evelyn and Lizzie sipping what I think was tea, and talking about the homework they had too finish.

"You're alive!" Evelyn exclaimed making me laugh.

"I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk around the castle." I didn't want to worry them for no reason, I quickly sat down and grabbed a piece of toast aswell as a chocolate chip muffin, they were out of blueberry.

"Do not fear, Reggie's here." Regulus announced as he walked over to us, he seemed happy, too happy.

"You seem happy." Lizzie commented with a small smile, meaning there was an insult brewing. "Run into a special someone did we?" Not really what I was expecting.

"Special someone, is it someone I know?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Don't think so." He said plainly, the smile still clear on his face.

"Do I get a name?"


"Oh come on Reg, we tell each other everything." I told him and he chuckled.

"No we don't." Okay true but we do most of the times.

"Fine keep your secrets." I frowned taking a bite of my muffin.

"Your teeth will rot from all the sugar you take in." He told me, his face scrunched up in disgust.

"That's as likely as me getting with the guy my parents want me too." I laughed and he just shook his head.

"Sometimes I wonder how the two of us are related." He sighed and I smiled sweetly at him.

"You know you love me." I sang.

"Unfortunately." He laughed sitting down next to me and nudging my shoulder, "Heard you went on a mystery date yesterday, must have been horrendous."

"Sirius set her up with that bloke from Bulgaria." Lizzie laughed and I sent her a look, "What, everyone knows by now, they were all there."

"Still I don't need it announced."

"Bloke from Bul- you mean Daniel? Heard he transferred here looking for the love of his life." Regulus told us. I suddenly felt my food come back up

"I think I'm going to be sick." I exclaimed running out of the hall to the closest bathroom.

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