Goodbye, Lorelai

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The week Jacqueline, Penny's girlfriend, came to visit New York, the three girls spent every possible second together. Penny wanted Frankie and Jacqueline to get to know each other, and by the end of the week, Penny was joking that Frankie had stolen her girlfriend.

Jacqueline was fun. She loved to be spontaneous and live in the moment, but was also much calmer than Penny. They evened each other out. Frankie could see just how much the two loved each other through their interactions, and the way they looked out for one another reminded her of how she and Jess used to be. She shook those thoughts aside, not wanting to be a downer during such a happy week, but the thoughts were always there in the back of her mind.

"So, it's your last night here. What do you want to do?" Frankie asked Jacqueline as the trio walked down the street.

"Oh, good question. Any good movies out right now?"

"You want to sit in a theater and watch a movie instead of looking at our beautiful faces?" Frankie joked, batting her eyelashes.

Jacqueline laughed, wrapping her arm around Penny's shoulder. "No, I guess not. Um, how about a show? Any bands in town?"

"I heard about some underground show, but I don't know who's playing," Frankie replied, furrowing her eyebrows. "I think you're supposed to call some number."

"Oh! I heard about that! You're supposed to call, and they give you a code, and then you tell them the code at the door!" Penny exclaimed excitedly. "It sounds so fun."

Jacqueline smiled at her girlfriend, kissing her temple. "If we can figure out the number and the code, I'm down for that."

"Awesome. I think Jason from our Partnering class was talking about it, let me call him." Frankie pulled out her cell phone, dialing the number. She spoke to Jason, who gave her the information, then proceeded to call the number for the show. "Do you have a pen?" she asked the couple. Penny pulled one out of her bag, handing it over, and Frankie wrote the code on her hand. "We got it," she exclaimed, and the girls all cheered, then headed back to the room to get ready.

The rest of the night flew by. The trio had a blast, dancing and listening to great music together. Frankie never wanted the night to end, but they eventually had to leave.

The following morning, Jacqueline waved goodbye and took a taxi to the airport, leaving a crying Penny with Frankie.

"It's okay, hon. You'll see her soon. Aren't you going home for spring break?"

Penny nodded sadly. "But that's still so far away."

Frankie rubbed soothing circles into her friend's back as they made their way back to their room. "I know. But think of it this way. Each day that passes is one day closer to when you see Jacqueline again.

Penny smiled slightly. "You're right. Plus we talk every day."

"Exactly! You'll be okay."

As soon as they got back to the room, Frankie heard her phone ringing. She grabbed it and answered, thinking it would be Finn. "Hey!"

"Hey, yourself," Lorelai said with a laugh.

"Oh, hey mom. What's up?"

"Didn't think it would be me, did you?"

Frankie chuckled, scratching the back of her head. "No, sorry."

"It's okay. Did you think it was gonna be a boy?" she teased.

"Oh, stop it. It's not that serious. What's up?"

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