it got worse...

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Nunew pov...

I woke up and felt my body tired Accompanied by soreness, I was the only one in the room and I had no clothes.?! What happened..? oh my god no no no...I took the blanket and covered myself, I can't remember what we did earlier..! I'm really stupid, I stood up while the blanket was wrapped around my body,I went into the bathroom to take a shower...I looked in the mirror and saw many red marks..its all over my damn body, what happend earlier..!!? i start taking a shower with a warm water...and after a few minutes i dried myself and put on my clothes, I don't want to go ashamed for what i did earlier..why did i agree..why didnt i stop my damn self..i went downstairs and saw Hia and all of them we're there 


they we're waiting for me so i walk towards them and yimnat ran towards me as they hugged me tight "ahh! Jelly i miss you so much..!!" nat hugged me and i kissed him in the cheeks "I miss you to guys.!" yim hugged me and asked me if im doing just fine, then hia walked towards us..'nhu..can we talk..' i looked at him in the eyes..he was so dreamy..i just nodded and followed him..'d..did..we do the..' i stuttered while saying those words..i felt so shy and embarrassed, 'y..yes..i want to apologize f..for what i did..does it still hurt..?' his gentle voice made me feel so safe and comfortable..', and its okay its not your fault..its my fault..' i bit my lower lips as i lower my head looking at the floor..then suddenly james invited us to have dinner,so me and hia, sat in the chair, my gaze is glued to hia..i caught him glaring at me watching every movement i made..which make me feel shy, 'dada, can i seat next to you?' i looked at nathalie who's sitting right next to max, i nodded my head as she ran towards me..i helped her to sat in the chair and starts feeding her..'dada, why your neck have a red spot?' i chocked on my food,i grabbed the full glass of water as i drank it..'its just a mosquito zia' i can feel that they were holding they're laughs as i glared at them..'A handsome mosquito' I bit my lower lips and kicked yims knees under the table..'ow!' he grunted in pain..'but thats not good dada you will get sick!' i touched my neck and rub it..'i-its..nothing baby..' i whispered..i looked back at hia..hia also restrained his laughter, until someone knocked on the door, "I'll get it..!" said james he stood up and opened the door, i looked at james as my eyes widen.."woah..what are you doing here..? and who is that..?" we all looked and their face expressions changed, "Im just visiting my nunew..? why is it bad?" james was getting angry so I stood up before everythig got worde, iwalked towards them "what are you doing here..?! And really..? you brought a FRIEND here to p'zee's house..?! aren't you ashamed?" dong-geun hugged me, I immediately removed his hands "stop it.. I didn't invite you-" before I could finish what I was going to say hia spoke with serious tone "just let him in and his FRIEND..." me and James we looked at each othet.."see..?" dong-geun grabbed my waist as they entered hia's house and sat next to me.."why are you with your FRIEND..and why did you bring him here" I whispered they all looked at dong-geun angrily , then nat spoke "So your the one who slapped Zavier...?" i never heard nat spoke with this tone, he is angry,i can feel that.. "nat calm down.." said max as Nat took a deep breath, everyone stayed silent and it was so awkward, I feel so uncomfortable with dong-geun... "people really changed these days, even if they have a lover they will still find someone else. .." we all looked at hia in stunned.. I looked at dong-geun and he looked like he is going to explode of anger "even if their lovers are pregnant they will find someone else..." My eyes grew wider as dong-geun confronted me "Jagiya...Are you hiding something from me..?" he said as i swallowed my saliva down through my throat ai was about to say anything when James spoke, they all looked worried as James spoke like he want to kill somebody"You're right, zee...maybe they're just using their lover for money and flirt with other girls" net looked shocked of what james said "darling...the children are here.." net said, then dong-geun stood up "what is your problem?!" dong-geun yelled at them, james stood up as my heart beat race like crazy.."Hey! You have no right to yell at me because it's not your house, so change your behavior.!" james shouted as net pulled james down to behave "so what..?! i will be more ashamed if i had sex with the maid even though they already had a lover..." that's when my stomach started to ache, the others we're calming hia down but he was like raging bull,they both got up and this is the time when the battles begun, they tried to stop them but they are like a bulls fighting, tutor and max carried the kids upstairs while the others pulling hia and dong-geun apart..I stood up to stop them but it just got things worse, I pulled dong-geun away but he just shouted at me "it's zee's fault..! I wish I hadn't agreed to come here..! and we were happy in Korea. .but everything changed when we visited here.!" i was so sad and angry at the same time, thats when i spoke.."dont ever drag hia about this..! You are also to blame if you didn't flirt with your girl, our situation wouldn't be like this. .!" i breath heavily and the cramps started...this one is vision we're blurry and my head is tummy is aching and i cant even stand properly...and i felt like something is dripping down on my legs..."H-hia..." I couldn't see them properly and they just looked at me and thats when i blacked out and fell in the floor...all i can hear is my name and their sound so worried..

thats it for now babies...Why does it feels like all of this is a nonsense right 5555555

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