Chapter 13

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The day after Grenia comes to my estate, I train with Ryder, and since I wake up in a stair of despair over the Leviys fiasco, I cry beforehand to ensure I do not cry in front of him. Even a sniffle will end me. Mother knows all the details of my romantic whereabouts, except for the part that I slept with the wolf. Thank goodness I did not spill; the secret is a burden when one knows the full truth. However, the secret becomes moot when I see Delphina behind the kitchen window glass. I coo at her and gently rub her head.


It's good to hear all your news about the Bewitched kingdom. My pack has been up to...

I skim all his news, a bit bored by the territorial violence and beta feuds, and pick up again at the important part.

My heart is heavy and seeks no pleasure in informing you that I do not know when I will be able to make it out to your realm. It is a long journey and unfortunately it is a busy season currently for me and my family. I hope this does not distemper you greatly; I think about you all the time, you're my inspiration, I cannot be with another woman because I have your delectable body and pussy in mind when I grab my dick.

He gives me more compliments so I skim to the bottom.

Since it seems we will not physically be together for a couple weeks, I think it will be good to at least write. So here it goes princess.

Your Undercover Lover,


This time, there is no blueprint of his paw which makes me hate him and I hate him even more because I don't get to see him and then I hate him a teensy bit less because at least he offers the miniscule solution to message each other in the meantime. And what of undercover; is it because it rhymes with lover? That must be it. If I were him, I'd announce my wilding with the princess for the brag and clout.

The compound lights are on and Ryder's back faces me. I greet him and see that he is holding an unusual firearm. He clocks it out and I flinch.

"A new invention from the alchemists. Instead of killing, it stuns an opponent. I am not sure why it was sent to my battalion though. It seems like the kind of thing to protect oneself from strangers."

"Well, isn't the purpose of a battle the glory of winning? You can count a win by how many soldiers are down, but not necessarily how many are dead."

Ryder says, "I do like the forgiving sentiment within that suggestion, but the reason for war is dominance and power. And sure you can win a battle basing it solely off of skill, but when war comes, there needs to be a cost. There needs to be death and slaughter because there needs to be a reason to prevent it." I flush. I love his mind. It is almost the equivalent to Leviys's words when he sees me in little to no clothing.

Determining if I should go deeper into politics or offer something new, I ask if he believes he will train my siblings too.

"You know when your brother comes of age I will be twenty-six, and when your sister comes of age, I will be twenty-eight," he answers.

"That age is hardly different from where you are now. You will still be a strong, annoying soldier."

"I won't be as lithe or as quick, but yes, if your father commands it, I will aid in your siblings' combat abilities."

Before I am met with sense, I say, "What if I command it?"

"Are your parents dead in this scenario?"

"What? No—how could you say such..."

"Then yes, I would listen to you. If no, I would tell you to say pretty pretty please, princess because I don't like orders."

I shake my head, fuming. He smiles and then puts the firearm away. A mat gets dropped on the floor, for stretches. Stretching is easy so I assume he'll speak with me more. "Have you been to places outside of Aux Duvrex?" Such as the Thewren mountains?

"Once or twice when I was little. We're training, Mikah. You can't babble and clench your stomach."

"I so can," I say, as I bring my head up to the space between my knees. He rolls his eyes.

"Well, don't," is his response. I watch him do as many stomach clenches as me, if not more. It's going to be a long session.

Much to my surprise, Ryder stays in the compound after our hour and says that I should be strong enough for the twenty kilogram weights next time."You still aren't gripping the firearm correctly. Would you like me to show you?"

That is highly doubtful. "Next time. My plan is to go to the fourth bow library today. Would you like to come with me?" Ryder has a hoverboard—best way to float around.

He raises his brows and looks right at me. "I'm sweaty and not wearing the right clothes. And I'd need to go to the barracks."

Ugh, the time that would take displeases me.

"Shower in my guest estate and I will handle your clothes." His expression informs me that this isn't my most foolish idea.

"Lead the way," he says even though he walks many paces in front of me. Insufferable bastard. 

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