Chapter 25

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Tess and I cook dinner for the household, and as the water boils, I peek at the newspaper page I copped from Simmons. A fairie ruler is hosting a party for her 300th birthday; if she were a human, I'd place her at fifty years old. Apparently rare griffins will be there, pineapple cookies, luxury wine, and a band by the name of Harp Quest. Gossip truly is a gift when the manner of things are mundane in Aux Duvrex.

"I have been thinking about who you might do the spell with." Tess remarks, dropping slices of carrots and potatoes in the pot.

"Right," I frown. "My mother's pick?"

"Likely," she answers.

"Who is going to reside over the kingdom when I am gone?"

"Your father's brother will be here in five days and will be in close contact with Minister Neith." Proper enough, he is a decent man who's fought alongside the Bewitched, fought for people in other kingdoms. Winter arrives in the kitchen, grabbing Tess's attention. I could ask Winter about her exams which reminds me of the exams I will need to pass to be considered a primary scholar. But no one wants that drivel. Leviys's item needs to arrive!

And when it does I jump around in the town of bow three. It is a lacrosse cap tissued in a wrapping and it has a letter with his paw print stamped on it.

My Mikah,

Do the spell on this; I have worn it plenty of times. Will you get to the Thewren mountains by this week? I will prepare your room here. So psyched so see you in my territory, my hand is sore from fisting my cock during my dreaming of you. Please come and kiss it better.

Yep, no wand. Just pure wolf in my veins.


After folding the items carefully into my knapsack, I carry out some shopping, humming a song loudly because I cannot help it.

When it is my mother's morning time and my evening time, I wand her, taking a couple of deep breaths. My unicorn painting looks a bit crooked. She says hi to me, her voice like velvet that's been in the sun too long. "Hi, I am not sure how much Tess has told you, but I want to visit a shifter I have been seeing romantically, and he lives in the Thewren mountains, and because I am of age, I am hoping I can go there alone. Not totally alone, but not with an entourage either. "

"Mikah, you are doing all the right things, and before I can grant permission, there are a few matters that must be taken care of. Your father or I will need to write to the alpha and alphaness to let them know you are interested in coming and see what they say. Second, you will need to pass your qualifier exams before embarking on the trip, which is teleportation driven?"

"Yes mother," I say, unease twisting my stomach.

"Very well."

"Mother, the exam is twenty pages long and with an oral component! May I take it after the trip? I can study when I'm there."

"Well," she starts, and I hear a bit of noise in the background.

"Mikah, how have you been faring?" my father says.

"Hi, I have been well. It has been nice doing my spells with Ryder."

"Thought there was another boy you've been speaking with?" Too much joy bursts through the wand.

"Writing to him, yes. How are things in the fairie realm?"

"The kingdom's changed a far amount from the last time I've been here. One day you'll see." Ugh! "Is Mother still there?"

"How about you do the twenty pages and do the oration after the trip, darling?" She says.

"Yes, that is fair?" I mumble. "Any other matters?"

"Your escort will be Urisis. Your father and I are being called for tea, so we need to go." "Very well," I mirror her. "Bye." My wand tips upright and I let my fingers go and watch it stay in midair, a small comfort in the face of horrid news. Urisis, ex trainer and full time witch is going to play escort? She probably won't give me a lick of space–I'm going to have to hide behind the grains. 

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