Chapter 40

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A servant whose name may or may not begin with an h brushes my hair at dusk, when bags droop under my eyelids. Another servant with luscious black hair assures me the cosmetics will cover them up. They talk amongst themselves about mild gossip and I passively stare in the mirror while my hair becomes higher and more stupid looking. Then a seamstress, who counts as a mystery, enters my room. She prods my figure and throws a custom made dress over my head. Her chin lifts, proud. I gawk at the creation and beg her to remove the red ribbon at the waste. Her agreement helps my anxiety diminish but I want to look beautiful, not embody a symbol, but today is not about my choices. Soon after the fitting, all of them leave and once my door is shut, I curl into a ball on the floor. Leviys's face invades my mind, then memories come flooding and I am powerless to stop them. I pretend he is beside me, and lower my hand until I am touching my center through my lilac lace. The friction makes my moan, my clit tingles and I will the juices to be enough so I can bring my fingers closer and fuck myself. But I grow frustrated, there's no pleasure, I cry, desperate to feel good, but Leviys blurs in my mind and I brace my hands across my skin where the scratches aren't red anymore, and I start there. I grip my breasts and lightly pinch my nipples trying to invoke the love I felt in his hut. My hands caress my toned thighs and this small comfort works. Breathing evenly, I fuck myself, smiling at the thrums of pleasure until someone knocks at the door. Without my permission, the seamstress edges into my room, giving me no time to cover myself. She appears disgusted at the sight.

"I'll come back later," she declares and tosses a brown box with a clasp toward the floor. I open it and find an opulent necklace encasing sapphire charms. The gemstones must be authentic for the necklace is heavy. I doubt she will adjust the dress to match the aura of the jewelry.

The crowd of citizens is indistinguishable. Wisps of sunlight cover some of their faces, five hundred faces. I try to focus on the faces in the front row, try to make out individual eyelashes, the pursed lips, but fail to make sense of the reception. Why do they want to listen to me? My uncle Garren the interim Advisor, stands behind me, along with Minister Neith. Seated on Neith's right are Azichaedus and Evetiev. One gloved hand shakes as I move the speech transcript on the wooden dais. Neith pats my backside; once I turn around she subtly gestures me to drink water.

"Good people of Aux Duvrex. I come before you to say the truth: my father Odin is unwell. His legs are paralyzed and the physician who met with him does not know if he will regain the feeling, but I know my father is a strong man. Strong in any condition, and his love for you is unyielding. This morning he asked me to greet you, "hello" on his behalf. Hello!"

Trickles of laughter. "I grew up in front of you, grew up with most of you, and though this may come across as an expeditious transition, I have accepted the role of Queen Regent, making me the giver of provisions, the forebearer of the stones, and the commander of the Purists and Defenders. I am Queen Regent until my mother Rebekah returns; she has left our country to find a cure for my father. Please know that it is the love for my father that drives her journey; she wishes to be here, but has entrusted me with this role, and it would sooner kill me than to disgrace her name."

Sweat beads in the unbreathable fabric of my dress. I lose my place in the speech, but then find the right section.

"It is suspected, not proven, that my father's health is on the decline because of fairie magic when he was on summit. My father dreamed of peace with them, and I plan to water that dream for him. Aux Duvrex has suffered many storms and we deserve peace. I am not leaving your side. But I will be the eyes of the snake and send ambassadors to their realm to truly remind them of our power. Our influence. The transparency of our values will prevail through the guise of darkness laying in our hearts."

My sigh of relief passes through me. "I will not be taking questions at this time. If any of you are feeling distressed and need support, please reach out to Minister Neith, she is going to be staying here for a few hours." The minister smiles at me and I step away from the dais. Garren squints at me, but I ignore him. If the words are not to his liking, I cannot change them. Besides, I have a plan. I have an ambassador. He is at the estate, not aware of his value. And I have a costume to rip off. 

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