Chapter 50

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Uncle Gerran's bedroom door is open, but I still knock to alert my presence. He says to come in. The casual clothes in lieu of his tunic baffles me for a second but I grow used to the sight.

"Have you received the postage from the soldiers we interviewed."

"Yes. My sparrow delivered it," he says and leaves his bed to grab a black envelope from the bedside table. "It appears all of them said yes."

I snatch it from him and read the contents. He speaks the truth.


"It is an honor to go on a quest. Ganymede has not seen war in fifty years and the assignments for soldiers have been few. Imagine wasting away at camp each day."

I nod, gut twisting. "Ten is too many."

"Yes, choose five of them, and let me know," Gerran says and sniffs his pits. "I must wash."

"You are allowing me to choose, no input?" I ask.

"I have faith in your judgment," he says and calls out loudly for Tess to bring him a large towel. He calls a few times, making my eyes roll, but Tess approaches the room and hands it to him. My Uncle does not thank her, and Tess and I exchange a secret look and I excuse myself to my room.

After thirty minutes of banal thinking, I decide on Julissa, Ismene, Viev, Eloy, Cayman and Alake to be on the task force. And from there I take out the thin wand from a box under my bed and say "Fruj ral 8787" to it. It begins shaking and then stops. "Hello?" I try. "Mother? Mother?"

"Oh, Mikah. I am here. I am here darling," she says, voice clear. "It is nice to hear your voice."

"You too. Where are you?"

"The Gnome Kingdom. I have the cure."

"You do? What is it?"

"Skunk fat," she laughs. "Reduced to tiny capsules that have a horrific after taste. But they should bring him full mobility."

"You know we have skunks in Aux Duvrex?" I ask, amazed.

"Yes dear, but not the proper breed. It is a particular business, but I want to let you know I will teleport home soon." She pauses for a moment. "How are your siblings?"

"They are well. A tad frightened, but well."

"I see. Give them kisses for me. Did you fancy the Mountains?"

"Yes!" I begin pacing. "The setting is beautiful and Leviys, he is a good boyfriend, and I met the alpha and alphaness who said they met you and father."

"All good things, I hope," she says and I reassure her the alphas did not state anything insulting about her.

"How about the result for your oral exam?" Inside, I die. Goodness, I have forgotten that. I almost tell her a gave a real, rehearsed speech in bow three, but instead I reveal I failed the exam.

"It was an automatic failure because I missed the due date." But she should know more important items are on the surface, my father–her husband's health for example.

"Speak with your tutor. You may retake it this year, but check the due date."

"Very well, mother. I am looking forward to seeing you here again. Would you like me to bring the wand to father?"

She hesitates on the line. "He must be sleeping."

"I do not believe so. He has forgone naps these past days."

"I think speaking to him will make me feel sad, to be quite honest. I will see him soon, alright?"

"Alright mother. Safe travels," I quip and we end there.

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