Chapter 45

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My mind does not linger for long for Simmons clears his throat and I turn toward him. Tess has gone up to her private quarters.

"A few items," he says and drums his fingers on a deer skin notepad. "Odin's wheel chair has been ordered."


"And I have procured a list for you of soldiers whom I believe will help you with a search." I accept the piece of paper and read over the ten names–too many for a search, but perhaps this will work in case people say no.

"Thank you," I smile. "Does this list mean you've accepted your ambassador role?"

He avoids giving me a direct answer. "Depends on if we find me a travel companion to the Fairie kingdom . I think you should take your uncle with you, to speak to them."

Simmons waits for my skepticism to fade before he continues. "He is a respected figure who has known soldiers for a hundred years. We need not keep the plan a secret from him."

"But we are not telling Dad," I whisper and he nods.

"I shall get my uncle on board," I say, omitting Ryder's comment about Gerran's character. It is not my place to cast a dark shadow on my friend. Simmons draws away from the window and shares that he has not heard from my mother.

"I have not heard from her either." I frown and try to even out the wrinkles in my face. "Do you know about cures?"

"There must be five thousand jars of them throughout Ganymede. Made from petals, to animal hides, to bark, unicorn hair and on and on. Bewitched humans might die before understanding it all, but I believe your mother will find one. I wonder if she is with the Gnomes."

Another reason my fingers itch to pick up a book. "Can we write to her?"

"Negative. But I am speaking with Azichaedus to arrange a secure communication," he says, and gives me the familiar look. Time for gloomy poetry, is it?

"You are sure you are a servant?" I say, eyes narrowing, but with humor.

"The Head one for a reason." Simmons nearly shoos me away but I simply laugh at him, thinking of my lover, with a whip of my wand I may see him, but he is coming to me.

Bonding with my brother is a compulsion, especially since he holds out any affection toward me. After I knock on his bedroom door, he lets me in and I admire how Damien keeps it. A poster portrays a gorgon smoking a pipe and true painted mural of a female warrior from one of his favorite artbooks. Trains of carpet line the floor, the design a labyrinth he can walk forever. Opposite of his bed is a bookshelf with more strategy games than books but what else would an Aux Duvrex do? His wardrobe is dismal, but he owns a few lovely stitched gloves spooling from an armoire drawer.

"We do not need to gossip. I can write and sit here with you," I say to him but immediately forget. "Remember how you used to sleep walk in circles?"

Damien sighs. "I was six. I passed the hours with Dad today."

"Good. He loves being with you," I share and begin drafting a letter to Leviys.

My rakish boyfriend,

Yes. Come see me now, no postage required. I am excited to show you my room and then leave you to the guest house because I cannot act so naughty as to let you sleep in my room. Even if you growl about it. ;)

My request is for you to greet me in wolf form. I want wolf kisses descending on my cheeks and to pet your russet fur like the good boy you are and then hug you when you are a man.

In regard to your questions, my father is better. He has since moved from bedrest to permissible movement, however he needs a wheel chair. You conspire well, my wolf. You can fuck people up, however let us wait and see who those people are.


The next day I see my Uncle Garren. He is a difficult person to find for he is not in his private courters, nor the stables, nor the base camp. But my intuition leads me to the religious sector which I take the bus to, counting the cirrocumulus clouds. My hair keeps fluttering in my face so I shut the bus window and soon enough I get off at my destination. Entering the worship manor, I see a service happening and hear versus spoken by the junior Minister.

"In the season of second creation Abilasha held the stones, hoping they would bless her since she provides her own blood cut from the vein. The blood coats the rocks and it turns black, a casing until it cracks, unlocking whispers Abilasha never could have foretold. The spark of knowledge causes her to whittle a pointy stick..."

I search the tea room which is open to the public and then knock on one of the locked doors. My uncle opens it and asks if I would like to come in; I nod and and leaves the door partially open.

"Mikah." He gives me a warm smile. "Why are you here?"

"I will begin with, why are you here, and not the estate?"

"The younger siblings are pleasant, but I found I needed a brief dismissal from them, and my brother as well. His health is a looming issue."

For us all. "That is understandable, thank you. Proceedings must take place for my family to move forward and for my country to move forward. I approached Simmons with a plan a few days ago and suggested he integrates back into the Fairie realm so he can end the Parliament member who poisoned my father."

"Oh? A tall task." He graces me with a hint of amusement.

I refrain from scowling. "A worthy task. How might we look to them? Weak? I would personally affront one of those demons myself, but I am to remain here. I must have Simmons as the needle." Once he clasps his hands, I continue. "He is a fairie, not known by anyone there to have title, so it will be possible for him to work as an ambassador–"

"A spy," Gerran interrupts.

I roll my eyes. "An ambassador is still correct diction; I want him to deceive the fairies and in order to come across well he needs a travel companion. A fairie; a winged one."

"You imply we trust a fairie residing in the north."

"No. I imply we trust an Aux Duvrex citizen. I will find a fairie in this land."

"How, child?"

Gnawing my tongue and glancing behind me, I begin to set things straight. "You know I am of age. You know I am Queen Regent. Must I remind you where your loyalty and respect lies?"

"Excuse me Princess. I have been outside politics for too long," he shares.

"Very well." Thirst captures me so I remove my wand from my boot and will a glass of water to appear on the desk. When I sip, I say, "Soldiers will find a female fairie for me." He reads over the list I give to him.

"Impressive. I have fought alongside most of these people." Gerran scratches his beard. "Are you to interview them?"

"Yes, today. It is at Simmon's behest you come with me."

Gerran laughs. "The old bugger is right. I will accompany you to the Armada camp."

Satisfied I nod and ask him to return to the estate soon so we can make arrangements. 

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