Chapter 41

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"Come in," Simmons says. He eyes me from his place on the unusual, knotted chair. "Your young highness, how did the speech fare?"

"It was received well, I believe. No interrupters and it ended in applause," I say and stare down at my modest rags of an outfit.

"I apologize for not being present, but I wanted to pass the time with your father. We had tea. It was nice," he trails off, a tad distant.

I have never visited his room before. It is not a bore in the slightest: the cerulean blue walls are friendly and capricious, and I find myself drawn the planters strewn by the window and the collection of sandy rocks stacked on top of each other behind the bed frame. It smells of candle wick and dirt if one tries hard enough. On the surface, an homage to the fairie realm does not exist and I study the Head servant whose spotless face unnerves me.

"You love my father. Thank you for caring for him."

"Always princess Mikah."

I gesture to the second chair and he nods.

"How long has it been since you revisited home?"

He is quick to remind me that is not home. "I estimate twenty seven years. Twenty seven years to this day, my wings were mutilated and shame came between my family and me, my village and me."

It does not serve him to effect pity. "You have no wings."

Simmons winces. "Two stumps on my upper back. It is not common to carry mutilated wings, it is better to erase the violence permanently."

"Who did it to you?"

"My lover's parents," he shares and sighs before continuing. "They were not pleased with her decision to be with me romantically. They found me effeminate and used hurtful slurs and then the hate transformed. Soon I was too poor. I had no military service in my repertoire. I admired Zynp, but I know, as horrible as it sounds, I could go on without her and find someone I cherished and whose family respected me for who I was. After Zynp and I had ended our relationship, I was pursued by a different fairie woman and her father watched the interaction."

He watches the clouds for a moment. "He was furious and accused me of acting dishonorably toward his daughter. The male had no qualms about paying a band of criminal mercenaries who salivated at the thought of mutilating wings more than the sum, can imagine how alone I felt, how my gut knew it would be an eternity of misery seeing others fly while I never would again. My choice was simple, leave and blend in with the Bewitched."

I cry, tears forming for the busybody and I laugh reluctantly. How strange emotions are. "I take it the story of how you met my father is for another day."

"May I tell you a secret?" I ask him.

He rubs the back of his neck. "You may. I feel nervous about the matter of it."

"You are my ambassador. I need you to become a spy and blend into the Fairie kingdom , do everything possible to rise up in status and catch the attention of the male, ruler...whatever who cursed my father. Plant whispers of loyalty in his ear–you hate Odin, always have, and you know Aux Duvrex's weakness. You know it is ripe for conquering, and"

"Stop wading in nonsense, your young highness. I see your anger has gone straight to your head."

"Simmons, this is not anger. This is strategy. I am well versed. I know the fairies have a colony in the human kingdom. I know"

"You do not understand their structure of parliament, a heavily guarded establishment..."

"Filled with hubris and exhibition. You know how they prefer to party," I argue, fists tightening because I want to sway him badly.

He fixes me with a condescending look. "If you think a male such as me, one with humble beginnings, can fool royalty, you are drinking the wrong wine, your highness."

"It is not a task you will do alone. Do you understand, Simmons? I will find you a partner. I will find you a female fairies with wings."

He crosses his arms, and shrugs, as if words are a worthless device. But I know he will not resist for long.

"Aux Duvrex is not a uniform state. Ryder is a human. Employees I come across are humans. A pocket of gnomes live on the outskirts of bow five..." Theoretically. "So I bet you 500 digicoin I can find you a fairie; she will help paint the picture of a successful male, and the plan is afoot."

Simmons laughs. "You will not find a winged fairy in the state."

"Says you," I say with spite. "You undermine me so. I outrank you. I am Queen Regent."

"Even your position cannot belie a de facto law. No one wants creatures who can fly here. Except the blasted birds."

From my blank stare, he continues. "As "liberal" as we may present, Aux Duvrex's ideals about stones, and magic, and all that denominational culture lives on which leaves little space for an outsider with different magic to...uh, this is tiring me. It is not easy, Mikah."

"Justice for my father is not easy either, but do you not want to fight for it?" I almost plead, but remember all the resources I have at my disposal. "I will not search for the female fairy. She is out there, whistling off key and changing a babe, but a crew of Armada soldiers will find her and convince her to...ambassador." I suppose I feel worn out too.

Simmons scratches the scruff on his chin and sighs. "That sounds feasible. Have you spoken to a number of soldiers?"

Flushed, I shake my head. "I wanted to broach this to you first."

He looks into my eyes for a couple moments, and a silly part of me finds myself shrinking. "I am honored. But, and this is not to offend, please take care of yourself and rest. This is a stressful time and I am positive there will be more speeches, more to do, and this aim of yours is a, an undertaking to say the least. Am I excused?" Simmons asks, and I match his smile.

"Not until you assure me you will think about it."

"I am thinking about it, yes," he tells me, rising from his chair, a clear signal he would like to be left alone for the time being.

Rather than feeling anxious to write a letter, I am anxious to scheme with soldiers, and of course, the urgency stems from my father, but maybe a deeper place too. 

Mountains Vast and a Kingdom So RedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora