Chapter 71

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As he and Xirna eat the raisin oatmeal at the aluminum table, he speaks the thought he has been waiting to share.

"You know this is not a noble venture. We will be killing people."

"I know that. But there is a difference. Clearly."

It is not clear to Bedivere.

"It will be an act of revenge. I have no sympathy toward the high class."

"I see," he says. He remembers his mother's oatmeal used to contain cow's milk, not water.

"What are we doing today?"

"I will introduce my village to you as my lover. With your beautiful wings, they will be enchanted. It is me they would inure."

"Are you an exile?"

He sighs. "We shall find out."

There is one female he hopes still resides here. Her name is Dream and offered him compliments what feels like eons ago. The partial reason as to why strangers butured his wings.

But in order to find her, he has to knock on every door. Awaken everyone to his presence because he has not the faintest clue about her location.

Some fairies are jovial to see his face. Some are withdrawn and others are relatively new, having never met him before. But they celebrate Xirna's arrival. She is an exotic goddess from the marshlands. He fails to find Dream but she finds him.

"Bedivere?" She says and has to steel her bucket of water.

"Yes." He hesitates but gives her a hug, an invitation to welcome each other.

"I never told you I was sorry."

"You had nothing to be sorry for."

"No, it was stupid and wrong to pursue you. You had just ended the courtship–"

"This is Xirna, my everything," he says. It is not time to relive the event.

"Oh. That is poetic." Dream smiles, taking Xirna's hand and kissing it.

Xirna seems to count the seconds and she takes it back. "Lovely to meet you," she says.

It will be difficult to bring the community members to awe. The travelers bring novelty, but fairies in this region keep to themselves besides the youth. He may have to start with humbleness and gratitude. Lessoning one's chores. Because the talent Urisis bestowed...he cannot unlock it. He cannot force it.

"Is there an upcoming festivity?" He should remember them, but time has erased frivolous memories.

"A couple of us drink hard cider," she offers.

"Very well. I would like to come." He gestures toward the nymph. "I would like to go with her."

"Very well? Have you lived in Aux Duvrex?"

Bedivere makes a sound of surprise.

"They are not the only place with libraries." She then tells them when and where to meet her friends and Bedivere thanks her.

"I hate to be this person, but what do we do in the meantime?" Xirna asks him once Dream is gone.

"We slug it and do others' chores."

"I will think happy thoughts," she responds and floats toward some villagers, offering to carry their heavy bucket of water. 

Mountains Vast and a Kingdom So RedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora