Chapter 52

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I knock on the Four Winged Castle's door and Leviys opens it just as expected. He has changed into black trousers, polished boots and a dark green button down, hair combed and eyes shining with energy. I pass him the note with his paw print.

"How did you get in here without a key?"

"The window was unlocked so I came in that way," he smiles and makes light of all the bad bad creatures who could sneak in.

I sigh and give him a hug, the scent of apples settling my nerves. When we pull apart I ask him what I should have asked months ago.

"What is your last name?"

"Creekwood," he answers and I smile. It fits him perfectly.

"So dinner tonight, are you ready to meet my family?"

"I am. Are my pack mates invited?"

"Yes, definitely, but maybe they should stay at the hostel and not here," I say, tone careful.

"You're denying them access to these digs?"

"I am." I laugh. "I think I spoke too soon."

"Lucky you. Zuni would sleep on a blanket outside, which he has done tons of times in wolf form."

"I think they could stay with us, but let us see how dinner goes," I respond and fiddle with my charm necklace.

"Are you good?" He gestures me to sit down on the couch.

"I think so. I received a letter from Azichaedus, the oldest Purist soldier in the Armada requesting to meet with me at the base camp. He hinted at an idea of mine and I suppose he wants to know more."

Leviys wonders what the idea is and I explain to him I do not wish to talk about it; It cannot come to fruition unless my parents approve. The right to secrecy went away when I was pulled from Queen Regent.

"I imagine I am not allowed at the camp?"

I sigh. "You can go with a special visitor badge, but I think you will have much more enjoyment with Taiomah and your friends."

He frowns and sags against the couch. "Enjoyment without you?"

"You can drink together or you can go to bow four and hunt turkeys. Turkeys qualify as allowable game. For sport, not for you to consume," I clarify.

Leviys smiles now. "Hunting a turkey? You are speaking my language, sweetheart."

"Yes, both of us will be happy. " I tease, cupping his face then capturing a curl of his. We stare at each other for a few moments and his pupils deepen.

"Have a triumphant day, my love and come back this evening. I will ask Tess to prepare vegetarian plates."

He kisses the inside of my wrist. "Enjoy yourself, Princess. Knock 'em dead." 

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