Chapter 89

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The following morning Bedivere is so dehydrated even though he makes it a point to keep downing water. His face is covered in dirt and he has no recollection of how he and Xirna made it safely back to the palace. Hallucinogens with the pantheon challenged great risk and he has yet to see if pays off. But if he stays in bed he could be considered weak. Xirna pivots as well, brushing cosmetics on her face, huffing breath on her palm to ensure it smells clean. She does not recount her personal experience on drugs and when Bedivere asks her she says she will not do it again.

In the dining room after a breakfast where he consumes twice as much, he asks Priest, the sole member at the table, if they have horses. Priest shares that they do. He pushes out his chair and he shows him where the stables are. He offers that Moonstone acts nicer than Lancelot. Once the young male is gone, he mounts the mare and tramps through the city. The hour passes revealing Xirna's style of leisure. She joins Atlice in speed reading books. Days pile on: Bedivere continues caching shreds of information and writing down the dates in his journal. Chosens are resistant to his questions, so he turns to literature. If he shows knowledge he may gain access to the alchemist labs. Otherwise, he drinks, he dines, and waits. Xirna sticks with Atlice, Goblin, and Spider Crab. Rather she makes time for all the Communis in the first month, a choice Bedivere believes is counterintuitive to the task. He feels it is imperative they move up rank to replace secund but she merely says—we have time.

Bedivere yearns to know why the females outnumber the males. It is the eighth of the second month here, so he must have something to show for it. Thorikos, in armor, walks the length of the fourth floor hallway so Bedivere walks up to him.

"Morrow, your grace."

"Hi Bedivere."

"Have you had your tea yet?"


"Where are you off to?"

"The dock. An Opti is returned to us."

"I would like to meet her. To be honest, I am feeling a bit stifled in the palace and a walk will raise my spirits."

"It is a him. A commander. Change your attire and meet me by the doors," Thorikos orders him. His silver eyes gleam calm, but unnerve Bedivere due to the slash pupils as opposed to round Bedivere nods and stalks off to change, approving of his reflection in the washroom mirror. His hair is cut, more suited for a noble person.

At the dock, fisher males and females unload nets of crustaceans from their boats. They pause their efforts to bow to Thorikos. Thorikos gives them a smile but keeps his pace. Sunlight bisects the blue sky and the wind behaves a distant foe. Bedivere stays quiet, his feet eventually stopping when the pantheon member tells him this is the boat. Curiously, this stranger is by himself, no crewmates. His boat appears as developed as an Aux Duvrex model with a control room and no sails. It lends the impression of a lithe skipper and the stranger gets off it with dexterity. He grabs Thorikos in an embrace.

"Why are you the one who has come?" He asks.

"Your lady performed a swap. She is in the human realm now."

"Tricky fox," he comments but his face shows no disappointment.

"This is Bedivere." Thorikos gestures to the former Head servant.

"Pleasure Mr..."

"Karlisle," he says shaking Bedivere's hand. "The only moniker you need know."

"He is in the Communis. A dazzling singer," Thorikos adds.

"I crave fried scallops," Karlisle says. "Believe me, I just scarfed down almond butter on the vessel."

Thorikos and Karlisle walk ahead of Bedivere, throwing out conversation Bedivere is not privy too. But he rushes to Thorikos on the left, listening to their words. He does not understand why the Opti acts coldly. Is he generally unimpressed by Communis or is it Bedivere's demeanor that irks him? Bedivere copies his statuesque posture which is difficult to do when the male is in armor.

"You ventured to the human realm?" He tries.

"Yes," Karlisle says. The stranger is true to his word back in the palace. In the kitchen he finds scallops in ice and he wets a rag in an attempt to defrost them. Thorikos has since left and Bedivere wonders if he should do the same.

"You cook?" Karlisle asks him.

"I dabble," he shares. He has dabbled in pouring salad dressing at the estate.

"You batter your fish in flour and corn starch or just flour?"

"Both," Bedivere says.

"I like to include spices. Paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne." The Opti walks away from the island and peers toward the staircase. He clears his throat. He may be deducing there are no chosens present but the two of them. "Very well."

"Why...I am not sure if I am allowed in the kitchen," Bedivere observes.

"You think that are allowed everywhere and you will be," Karlisle says.

"Do you want assistance?"

"Grab the vegetable oil. Third cabinet to the left."

The two males pass the time cooking until the recipe is complete and Karlisle plates the fried scallops. He searches for beer and sighs contentedly. "Sweeter than the humans'."

"What is the pantheon's reason for summit with them?"

"You are quick. Reason."

"Is it private? Will you be gutted for telling me?"

"No. I was overseeing the colony." The strong male realizes he is still in armor and he sheds it off, revealing a snug black shirt and blue jeans. He kicks off his boots, so relaxed as to show his socks. "You might be useful to me. What is your surname?"


"Long live King Odin and Queen Rebekah." Karlisle smirks at Bedivere's gaping mouth and tosses his plate in the sink. 

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