Chapter 22

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Whenever our parents are away on summit, my siblings are miserable. Miserable, whiny beasts who forgot their royalty. Royalty means sacrifice, but all they're concerned with is the atmosphere becoming less dazzling in their absence, and Simmons's guardianship. Winter prefers Mother's reading voice. Simmons is in high spirits this afternoon; I catch him writing a poem at the kitchen table.

"Does a muse not strike you while you are in office?"

"I do not have an office, your young highness. I have a sleeping room. And the view is quite unbeatable." His scruffy chin juts out toward the garden.

"The view of Tess?" I say, teasing because she is beautiful.

"Piss off it," Simmons says, giving me a look.

"Are you more than bewitched human?" His pen stops.

"Why do you ask, your young highness?"

"Your face. There are no imperfections." Even though he's passed sixty years of age.

"It is because I am a fairie, Princess Mikah, but to be quite honest, I prefer to write than conversate." He's a fairie? With no wings? Burning the curiosity off my face, I nod and scoot off the chair.

"Can you help Damein get on a steed, Simmons? I promised Winter some play time." Tess says, bearing through the door with a basket of daises.

"Of course, Lady of the House." He responds, bowing his head, and standing up. You know what, Ryder and him should start a club titled the nonsense boys. I strut upstairs and into my room and review the letter meant for Leviys, seeing I forgot to sign it. Afterward, I rage silently because there is no news from Grenia about what the professor said and I already consumed the little book stash at the estate for research. It does not please me to travel to the fourth bow library either. My eyes drag to the wand on my desk.

"Onz vera," I say and suddenly it is in my hand. I grip it properly and say the spell along with "87876.5"


"Yes, Mikah. What do you need?"

"Hurry to the estate! My brother has been stung by a bee and he needs the healing ointment!" Figures that Armada camp contains these tubes by the dozens.

"Shit. I will be there at once. On which part was his stung?"

"The ear," I say and then wince.

"Keep him calm." And my wand quits shaking and jerks itself upright. It is good to know that my wand classifies my hoodwinking as mischief and not evil. I pass some time discarding my robe and wearing different outfits before deciding on denim material, and stroll into Winter's bright room where she has daises in her hair, Tess nowhere to be found.

"You are going to see Ryder today."

"Are you positive?" She states.

I roll my eyes. "Change your slippers. It is not everyday he is here."

"Are unicorns real?"

"Of course they are," my eyes flash. "Who told you otherwise?"

"No one told me. It is just that I have never seen one before."

"Hm. Scientists in our realm noticed they were depleting, likely because of birth defects and birthing complications, but they then built a sanctuary...goodness, he's here," I announce after staring through her window. Winter's feet beat mine to the garden where I find Ryder, getting off his hoverboard, and a throng of other soldiers. My brows raise in alarm at the company and before I can set things right, Ryder lightly grabs my arm.

"Where's your brother?"

"He is...uh," I lock eyes with Azichaedus who holds a tube of ointment cream and a syringe. "He is.."

"Princess Mikah, we do not have the prince's medical records at camp, so we were not positive what we are treating," Azichaedus says to me.

"Oh, Damien is not allergic to bees, he just needs..." I trail off, sweating when I lock eyes with the other individuals who are here. One male Defender and two female Purists, all of whom appear as if they are engulfed in a bad dream.

"Simmons, did you see how fast Marigold was galloping? I was flying with her. That was so cool!" Damien says, in normal health, as he walks closer to the group.

"Why, it is good to see you all," Simmons says, adjusting his disposition, as he lets go of Damien's hand and he shakes Ryder's and Femi's, I believe her name is. "What business brings you here?"

Ryder glares at me. "Princess Mikah informed me of an emergency and asked for my immediate assistance."

Azichaedus swirls his wand and eliminates the cream and syringe. "Perhaps there was a grave misunderstanding?" He winks at me, more in the sense of pointing responsibility than in amusement.

"Hi," my sister waves shyly to the soldiers. They wave back, but their postures remain stiff. For a moment, I wonder about their assessment of the estate which has a hickory toned exterior, wooden red roofing and an entry stoop constructed of volcanic rock and limestone mosaic.

I notice Simmons is about to speak again so I say, "Yes! I contacted Ryder, saying Damien was stung by a bee, but it was a light ruse. I only expected him to come. If I thought he'd bring other soldiers along, I'd have never done it. I'm sorry."

"You do know your brother is with title and of extreme value to the entire Kingdom, do you? And that if one hair on his head is harmed, everyone gets involved?" Ryder's voice shards me greater than my own shame. I wipe off the snot on my face with my coat.

"Yes, I do know that." My trainer blinks at me, as if expecting more, something different.

Tess appears, a hesitant smile donning her face. "Triumphant tidings to all. Is there business with the Armada today?"

"No, your grace," Azichaedus says. "Just a hint of mischief gone down the wrong pipe. We thought the prince needed treatment for a bee string, but he is alright."

My brother scowls at me. "Mikah, what gossip did you say? You're going to receive a punishment for lying."

Shortly after that comment, Simmons reassures my brother and has my siblings go inside. Then he dismisses Ryder and asks him to please take them home to the camp. Once the visitors are gone, I apologize for my wrongdoing and swear it will not happen again. Tess gives me a hug, which is a comfort, but then tells me she has to write a note to my parents, explaining the ruse. Before I begin begging her not to, I ask if we can go to her private quarters. She nods, and we relocate there. I confess that I have a lover named Leviys who is a shifter, and if the King and Queen deem me foolish and irresponsible, they might not let me cross into the Thewren Mountains. My confession grows with details: he and I have been writing letters, he has invited me to visit his home, my research into teleportation spells. She gives me the space to vent, sitting on her bed, face peaceful. After she hears me out, she decides a bargain will be the best course of action; if I volunteer my time at the worship manner and at the Armada base for three days, my parents will not find out about today. I hug her, feeling concerned that Simmons will give them a note, but she assures me he will not since volunteering is a suitable punishment. My thanks must become redundant in her ears, since she sends me out so she can rest. Damien serves me a dirty look outside his bedroom, miming a dagger across the throat, but I ruffle his hair and kiss his cheek, no longer guilty for the trick, however, my stomach clenches when I recall Ryder's harsh words. What a true friend I am—I must make him forgive me.

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