Chapter 62

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Diti and Eloy knock and greet us at the door and we share brief pleasantries until it is time for the soldiers to separate. The heat outside feels laborious and for a selfish reason, it would be nice to go to bow four to cool down with the ocean breeze, but Viev and I return to bow three, taking a wagon with the coachman to ooh and aww at the theatrical exhibit. He claps and turns rowdy at our stop where dancers perform. They are skilled, exuding swagger, and we continue on and request to leave the wagon when we find a peculiar exhibit.

It is man and even through the glass box with little air holes, I can summon he is not quite bewitched, not quite human. His skin seems smooth as a glacier. I read the tag affixed to the box.

It is rude to stare but I invite your intensity and violent gaze.

Viev reads the caption and his forehead crinkles. The man braces his hands against his confinement, eyes wild. He wears eyeliner and his chest is bare, sequined with glitter. Then he starts to scream but my peer and I cannot hear it.

What an interesting concept. Proposing we bring violence and he shows his. But enough with the ambiguity, I knock on the glass then gesture for him to get out. It is time to speak to the artist.

Viev places his arm in front of me and we make room for the artist.

"This is a first for me. Am I lucky or unlucky at this intrusion?"

I measure my words. "Lucky. We are art fans and well, chose to invite ourselves."

"With questions," Viev adds. He is like me, can tell something is other.

"Are you a fairie creature?" I say lightly.

He crosses his arms, amused. "What is it to you?"

Viev tilts his head, gazing at the artist's naked backside. Stumps, flesh was cut off.

"I enjoy fairies' company and you can offer me a great deal of help," I say.

"Truly?" He licks at his lipgloss. "In what way?" When another wagon cruises on the track, I try and move us to a private space.

"We are soldiers." Viev moves his shirt sleeve up and shows the badge on his veTone. "And our young highness has sent us on a peaceful search."

"Winter?" The artist quips.

"Mikah. Have you sworn allegiance to the crown?" I say.

"Of course. Ten years ago." It is not the law for a newcomer to take a test and an oath, but it is custom, and I believe there is financial incentive.

"Wonderful. She needs a female faire to aid her. You remember the King was sick."

"Yes." His frown appears contrite. "But he is better."

"The Royals wish to ensure he stays better and this is why they need an ambassador to cross the northern realm's borders," I say. There is a reason I keep speaking, but Viev has rhetoric teaching under his belt as well, so I give him the floor.

"The ambassador intends to have a travel companion. One he can trust," Viev says, maintaining eye contact with the artist. The confidence he carries...I understand why this solider has been selected.

"Are you extending, something?" The male fairie grows suspcious.

"You might receive payment. But we need a female fairie with wings in tact," I say. In tact hurts him, I can tell.

"I might know someone. But I will not endanger her for coin."

Viev grits his teeth. "She will not be endangered. Her companion is a treasured consort to the Aux Duvrexes."

I cross my arm in front of Viev, my signal that the detail is too transparent.

The artist struggles and then shares he must go back inside his exhibit.

"Do you have a carrier bird?" I press. "Write me a letter if you change your mind."

The male sighs but gives me the name of his lark which Viev jots down and I give him my robin's name.

We hail our coachman and slip back inside the wagon. Viev's mood matches mine: satisfied by the stars, but needing to see the moon. 

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