Chapter 17

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In the duration directly after my tutorage, on the twenty-first, I write down what I want to say to Leviys for I have come up with a solution so advanced it would flip Urisis on her ass.

Dear roguish wolf,

I apologize the delay with my response, but to be fair, you took some time from the pen as well. ;)

Aux Duvrex is quivering with the violent weather. The global newspaper states that the Thewren mountains are blessed with sun, but I want to run this by you. When one is in such a muggy state, figuratively and literally, it seems as though the entire planet is. There has been some intensity I am not used to. Perhaps intense conversations come with age.

My combat trainer occasionally pushes me past the edge of annoyance, but he has a good heart and a brilliant mind, and when I found out he had a hard life back home, sympathy rolled out of me in waves. My other trainer, however, pretended to be my friend, for what gain, I am not certain, but it displeased me greatly once she booted my feelings with indifference. Do you ever become extremely sad or extremely angry you think it will poison your body? Seriously, tell me, how do you survive it as a wolf? Is there a secret?

I am curious about the way you view the realms, are they cruel or beautiful or a mixture of both? How many realms have you visited. I have been to the fairie kingdom, but that is all. As the queen regent, I have the absolute smallest iota of cred.

Anyway, read this letter a few times over before you write to soak up my questions. To reward you, and myself, for this busy letter, I am ending it with sexting. Sexting is a word developed in the Non Bewitched country, and it means coming up with sexual talk intended to arouse the sexual partners. I am positive you know what it is, but just to be safe...

When we fucked, I love how you gripped my breasts so tightly that it left bruises. I want you to bruise me again, in the same places. I want to fuck you for hours on end and the way you keep your erection is so hot. You took such good care of me, I came so hard, I want to come like that again. The fantasies I hold of you when I play with my pussy are not good enough. They are not you. I love your cock, I love how it tastes, so I want it in my mouth all the time. I fixate on it when I pull fruit to eat. I just want to let me know that I am an insatiable minx who needs her daddy to fuck her again. Even if it is on the floor. I want to get fucked so hard that for a second I black out, and then cuddle with you, inhaling your calming scent and stroking your fur. When we meet again, I will kiss you first for hours because your lips are heaven to me.

Sincerest wishes,


Impressed by my prose, I should bring my tutor flowers in appreciation, I fold up the letter and keep it hidden until I can give it to Delphinia tomorrow.

On the twenty second, I go to the same coffee shop in the fifth bow and drink goat milk coffee, giving my tired eyes a break from reading a spell glossary. As I am sipping my sparrow's shape appears at the window across from mine. Since I cannot open the window, I go outside and meet her. Delphina's talon has a letter and I take it, thank her, and go back to my table inside. It must be Grenia. I uncrinkle it and almost gasp at the sender.

To Mikah,

I underlined your name because I want to make it very clear you are the princess not a princess and you call your comrade brilliant but all I can see is your brilliance. Your brilliance was apparant on our date too, but I want to be clear that your letter form has me sweating because I cannot write half as well.

I will get to every single part of your letter, which reminds me of a mystery novel, but I gotta start with the sexting. Fucking holy moon, are you trying to kill me? You are so fucking hot. I wish I could fuck you in your bedroom, the one in the guest estate and your real bedroom. I want to see all your girlie shit, maybe a stuffed animal, every thing sweet and innocent about you during us fucking like filthy animals. I guess I am half animal already, so you know the sex is gonna be crazy good. I miss you. I miss your light perfume that reminds me of an orange rind. I miss your laugh and your teasing and long winded sentences. I miss that pussy. Holy moon, you're calling me daddy? You're such a fuckin sweetheart and I want to make those thighs quake again. You are my undoing princess Mikah. We will kiss for hours and then I will shove my cock in your throat how you like it. I want to see your eyes water as you suck it so fuckin good. I can't even put a " g" in the word, I'm writing so fast. I gotta eat your pussy again if that's cool with you. I feel like we feel each other on such a primal level, but on a human level too. You make me happy.

I'm sorry the weather in Aux sucks. I can confirm that the Thewren weather is treating us nice, beautiful sunshine all around. I guess it is because our summer is your winter. And for your fog, I commend you for dealing with it and keep pushing. Hustle some teenagers if you have to; that's what I do. ;)

And yeah, I do get overwhelmed by my emotions. Sadness sucks, and anger wakes me up instead of shutting me down and maybe that is kind of twisted, I don't know, but I understand that it can feel like poison. Does your family make it this way? Or is it mainly the trainer? I am glad one of them, mr whiz kid, is good, and I am glad that you can trust him. He must trust you to some extent to unpack that shit. As for the weird magic trainer I imagine they are out of your life now and you have someone else who is a lot better.

There is not a secret. I hardly call peeing on my friend's fire when I am upset and in wolf form "enlightened" so I am sure you're handling the emotion part in a more sophistacted way. Howling works for me when I'm a wolf, so does a long walk to the stream.

The universe is chaotic, living beings can't be without suffering. That is a classic way of looking at it right? Balance in the chaos. I think you can make it more beautiful, Mikah, you are very loving and smart and strong. Do you. I love my family and my friends; there is beauty in that.

Almost the last thing but not quite: I have traveled to four realms: Fairies, mine, yours and the Sirens. So the regular ass humans and the gnomes are a total blank space to me. According to the books, humans lack any sort of enchantment and charm in their buildings. They're old. And they die quick. I'm 22, I don't think we've covered that, but that is just a fraction of my life span. Anyway, gnomes seem cool, I'm not sure what abilities they possess, but when I read about their realm there is a big pattern of things being small and compact. You have so much cred, btw, you could walk into the afterlife and make them give you your life with your stare. You wouldn't need the wand.

What spells have you been casting? Do you know a lot of people who can do magic like you? Do you have any pets, I am hoping not a dog, and what is your favorite instrument to listen to?

That should keep you occupied and you can write it all down or just tell me in person. I would like to see you, so come over to the mountains. Come check them out, come be in my arms again. It is a good time for our visit, my schedule is more open so I will be all yours, unless you wanna meet my pack.


-Bring sexy lace ;)

Mountains Vast and a Kingdom So RedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ