Chapter 101

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On the first of month, Bedivere finds Karlisle sparring with a chosen and they make such a mess of themselves in battle, Karlisle does not notice Bedivere at first. After a nasty punch, he gestures to Bedivere that he needs a moment. He strikes his opponent and double checks she will not rise. Then he follows Bedivere to a lemon tree.

"I need audience with you," Bedivere says.

"Your quarters will draw less attention."

"I live with my lover Xirna and this will be the opportunity for her to learn your scheme."

"What scheme?" Karlisle says. He bites his dry lips and gestures Bedivere to lead. The two return inside the palace and ascend the steps to the fourth floor. He surveys the room, listening for a shower, but it is unoccupied. Karlisle enters first and they find Xirna staring out the window. Karlisle locks the door.

"You ever wonder how our linens get cleaned?" the commander asks and Xirna jumps. She sizes him up, wings beating.

"Who are you?" she demands.

Karlisle runs a hand on the neat, tucked in blanker. "No housekeepers. I suppose the task is upheld by magic. The scrawny sum of it."

Bedivere rolls his eyes. "Xirna, this is Karlisle, Opti to one of the pantheon females. He has been on voyage to the human realm."

Xirna holds her ground. "How did you meet him?"

The commander waves to her, curling his fingers. "On the docks yesterday. He has accused me of double crossing ." He glances to Bedivere. "Your mark is not far off."

"How do you know I am in service to Odin and Rebekah?" Bedivere responds.

"First I judged your clothing which is a foreigner's fashion. Second your character. You are infirm for the temperature of this place. And Simmons sold me. I know the name Simmons."

Xirna clears her throat. "Did you write the Princess that letter?"

Surprise lands on his statesman features. "Yes. She needed to be warned."

"I am surprised the pantheon did not catch you," the nymph continues.

"I sent it in Vidlayn where none could see." He straightens an out of place lock of hair. "Did the Royals send you two as an envoys? Are you scoping the scene before you push a button and one of your soldiers come to kill Firdous?"

Bedivere glares at him. "I am to kill Firdous."

Karlisle's eyes twinkle. "I can help. It was a dirty dealing, the curse."

Bedivere hesitates. "A lingering question pertains to the curse's power. It succeeded in paralysis but the fever that broke could have been separate."

"Does it matter? It is an offense either way," the commander argues.

"I might need to split hairs; I need to know if I am just in ending a life."

"Xirna can end it for you. I would love to see your blood thirstiness" he says.

"Over a year ago I called the pantheon corrupt and expressed delight in the chance to kill them. I still hold myself to that," she responds.

"Buy you have been sleeping with the enemy." He tsks at Bedivere. "Sloppy. You need my help or you will fall in love with their pussies. Crass as that sounds."

Xirna stifles a laugh. "He certainly has. I refrained."

"I take it you know from experience," Bedivere tells Karlisle. 'If we are to fully trust you, I want to know your status in the human country."

"I will have you both swear an oath first. To protect me. To not do anything foolish like interrogate the alchemists." Karlisle flashes him a knowing look. "These ones are a waste with their little petri dishes and punnet squares," he continues. "Do you swear? Do you have any neat swords?"

"I have a note. From back home." It puzzles him as to why he wants to humor the Opti this much but there is nothing else to swear on. Tess's note presses down on Karlisle's hand and his brown eyes stare into Bedivere's soul.

"You first," Bedivere says.

"I swear to protect you and Xirna."

"I swear to protect you and stop talking to the alchemists." With this oath, Karlisle kisses the note, to be an ass surely, and he opts to depart the room.

"I will tell you about my journey later; we have been secluded too long." Once Karlisle dismisses himself, Xirna smacks Bedivere's shoulder.

"You swore an oath too soon. We barely know the male," she scolds.

He reminds her that she has sworn nothing. "We need him close; he is an asset. Shifty though so we will to judge his movements."

She sighs. "Are you not depleted?" He wonders. Her face stays placid. "I want the task done with."

"You get the line of fire and you jump on it, alright," she says. "We have orders."

He nods and strips down to a loose shirt and brief. The bed buckles, mirroring his relief and his traveling partner leaves the room. She is braver than him. Perhaps this is what bravery is; not flinching. Not thinking about whether Firdous deserves to live. 

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