Chapter 65

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A draft releases cold air into our room, and though my pajamas are thick cloth, they do not keep me warm. The bathroom door is shut; Viev showers. I read my book, a fictional tale about a fox who turns into a man in a city called Roma. My wand creates a room divider and Viev thanks me and changes out of my view. I imagine he is strong of course; the Armada soldiers body types are diverse and his is lean. For what I am about to ask him, I wish he had more meat on his bones.

"In the bed, would you consider laying close to me?"


I smile. "Would you consider cuddling me?" How I love cuddling; anyone who does not is demented.

He moves the room divider, eyes wide. "You speak true?"

I roll my eyes. "Yes, Defender. But you are not putting the moves on me. Tits and ass are off limits."

Viev settles in beside me, only wearing briefs. "Do not grope my ass either."

I laugh and revel in the warmth he gives me, as he cuddles me, his face nuzzling the nape of my neck. The arms around me feel safe and not constrictive and a subliminal part of my psyche wants him to touch me, to squeeze my ass cheeks or kiss my neck, but I let it go and dream.

The glen is empty; other birds relax on the tree branches, but mine is not there, so I accept defeat. Yet, I am curious about the artist's friend, if she is as eccentric as him. This is the final day of the quest; I know it even though it has not been said. Leviys demands two hoverboards along with a volunteer to come with Alake and him to fetch Xirna from her home. Diti volunteers; she will ride with Xirna on the hoverboard so she is not scared. I ask Leviys what Viev, Eloy and I should do in the meantime. He tells me it is up to us, but it would be ideal for us to travel to the estate and inform Mikah's family. A female fairie is on her way.

The hostel does not have meal service, so the two men and I take the bus to bow one, so we can munch a simple breakfast. Then we board a different bus and wait for the stop: the Royal Grounds. I remember that Xirna still needs to prove her flight ability and ask Eloy and Viev to pray with me. We truly need real wings.

Winter and Tess attend to some gardening and I wave to them. Tess curtsies to me, a popular gesture when hugging seems too intimate. I chat with Winter, who is quite a mystery beyond what she looks like, and Viev stretches while Eloy greets Tess and asks for Simmons.

Tess invites us inside and the layout is comforting—never dull—and red rhododendrons decorate the communal table. The servant informs us the King and Queen are out, but Gerran and Simmons are here. I wonder how much she knows; it is far beyond my knowledge if the Servants behave as friends. One would assume so, otherwise it makes for a hostile environment.

Winter disappears but Damein appears and the young teenager asks us why we are here. It is obvious we are soldiers by the uniforms.

"To speak with Mikah," Viev says and Damien scowls.

"Did something go amiss?"

I laugh. "All is well, your highness. We just need a word."

Damien calls his sister, over and over his voice booming the best it can at his age. Mikah's voice rings out and it makes me happy.

"Hi everyone," she says, inching toward the table. Her brow furrows; she must be expecting Leviys.

"He will be here soon, Princess," I tell her. Eloy gets up and bows to her and Viev copies him.

"Let us start with the crux of the matter. We found two female winged fairies, and picked the best one suited for you aim," the Defender says and her smile is mischievous.

"Excellent. You were fast."

"It was your shifter and Alake who found the nymph ," Viev adds and the fact he grants them credit surprises me. But we all have the glory. We have succeeded with zero hiccups.

"Mm hmm," she says. "When will she get here?"

"A few hours," Eloy informs. "She was given short leave to pack."

And so we wait. Mikah offers us tea, bread and butter, and we eat. Mikah breaks the silence.

"I will have Simmons and Gerran come down once the fairie is here."

"A smooth handoff," Viev quips and she nods.

When no one can bare it anymore, a knock sounds at the door and Tess opens it. Leviys runs through with Alake at his heels. Diti holds the fairie's hand and they hover at the table. Mikah seems unsure of where to look but then she embraces the half wolf and he hugs her back tightly. They are not the couple who whisper to each other. Everyone can here that she misses him and appreciates his efforts and he calls her sweetheart and he can take care of her now—whatever that means. Then it is time to apprehend the creature.

Our highness offers her gratitude to Xirna that she has come and Xirna performs a little bow. She asks for her name and her age and then Leviys contributes information: the flight she and her consorts will watch. The nymph asks if she may eat something and Tess begins to cook a proper meal.

I stare at Diti wondering if she feels misplaced as I do, but she smiles, engaging in conversation with Alake and Eloy. Eloy sits as far away from Xirna as possible. Viev's plate is clean, mug empty, so he looks above at the arch of the ceiling. Mikah says that Simmons is in the stables and she will fetch him. Simmons is a figure whom I hardly now, but Gerran is someone who has dipped in and out of the Armada; my circle regards him as a fine warrior. But his medicine habits proved more instrumental when the Kingdom was at war.

Simmons enters the Estate, horse hair on his clothes, and once his gaze falls on Xirna, astonishment improves his expression. Mikah fidgets with her blouse but then leaves the entertaining space. In a few moments, Gerran joins the group, and his countenance is masked.

"Are my pack members in the guest estate?" Leviys asks the Princess and she nods.

"Do you want them to watch the flight?" She asks him.

"No, they've seen enough fairies, trust me." 

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