Chapter 32

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The shifter kin in which he comes from starts with the hut, owned by his mother, which is built with bamboo. A welcome mat awaits us, tan straw illustrated with paw prints and past the entryway are candles on tall stands, burning bright. The kitchen is modest with no room for a table, so the communal table is placed outside on their acres of land. Just like Leviys's it is open and non concealed, but I do not snoop in the sleeping areas. A brother of Leviy's plays an woodwind instrument and the beautiful sound curls into my ears and reverberates into the floorboards–if there were some. I am greeted by a cacophony of "Hi Mikah!"s and welcomes and it makes a smile blossom easily. Leviys pulls out my chair and I sit down, glancing at the array of mixed green salad and vegan plates, reminding me of the carts in Aux Duvrex.

His mother sits across from me and the resemblance becomes clear as she has the same whiskey eyes and brown face. From what I can gather, she has no fur but her husband beside her does, especially on his ears. He has two sisters, two brothers, and one feminine presenting sibling who identifies as gender fluid. The eldest sister has very white teeth, one of them bejeweled and her russet hair cascades around her bosom while the younger sister has wide hazel eyes and keeps her legs fuzzy. The brothers have identical genetics, but one of them has dyed black hair while the other has a pierced nostril, both of them wearing comfy sweatpants, and the youngest sibling, still a year or two older than Damien, has their father's ground coffee eyes and a hand wrapped in a brace. Urisis is seated next to them, and she snuck a candle from the hut out to the table which emits a winter pines smell. The family fields her questions about her life and position in the armada, oblivious to her festering attitude. She is quite proud to redeclare she is a Purist on the first battalion of King Odin's army, however.

"What is a purist, forgive my ignorance, we do not use that term here." Leviys's mother, asks.

After Urisis has swallowed she says, "It is a great honor as a bewitched woman, simply put, a label that identifies my magical talent and proximity to the royal family." I huff, Purists are hardly shareholders in the kingdom; they're soldiers.

"I even train this one." Urisis points and me and I scowl.

Leviys's father looks impressed. I clarify that she used to train me but I am in the market for a new magic teacher. "Julissa is a just as talented Purist," I say, causing Urisis to roll her eyes.

Leviys bites his lip in pleasure at our exchange. "Mikah needs to give more details about her training. What of the lad, babe? What is he teaching you?"

"The Armada has a second fold–the Defenders, and Ryder is a soldier shaping me to be a better fighter. Shooting, punching, constraining one's ability to, what else,; it is quite the workout."

"I like workouts," the pierced nostril brother, Zuni, says, his biceps making this evident. "You got equipment down there?"

"Yes, masoned from iron. Do you have a curl up bar?"

"No, what's that?" He says.

"It's a bar!" the younger sister Shyanne says and casts me a glance. "What of the hoverboards? I have always wanted to ride one but our alpha and alphaness do not want them imported here."

"I love my hoverboard," I say, as if telling a secret. "It is a good gadget to get around the country quickly, but I imagine your wolf form is good too."

"Scary good," the black haired brother, Teagun, says. "Her agility is damn good; all of ours. You see Leviys yet?" He asks me.

"How so?"

"His form," he adds.

"Oh. Very impressive. During our outing in Aux Duvrex, Leviys offered me a ride and it was one of the most exhilarating moments of my life."

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