Chapter 75

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Tearing threw the community, the news of the invasion, Bedivere's victory and his gift reaches everyone's ears. So much so, that before he and his companion leave, he needs to perform this evening. At the epicenter, he hugs Dream and Jurial, Misha and Hespero and then goes to the musician who will play the lute. They communicate with each other and then Bedivere introduces the musician to the crowd and says the song is special. Inside, he is shaking. He has never performed, never had an inkling for music or the arts, but he must sing. He must bid farewell in style, he supposes.

During the song, people sway, sitting and moved by the lyrics which they can sing along. His mother is proud and his brother's demeanor is gay for the first time in years.

Our blue sky sings, our blue sky sings

We believe in harmony

Autumn grows, Winter goes

And heaven becomes free

Little birdies trill

Roughened from the mill

We have to gather here

Blue sky blue skies...

When the performance ends, he winks at Xirna, who has danced to the melody, and she winks back. She claps and many join her. It appears fame has found him. 

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