Chapter 66

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And so we begin. Tess has fed Xirna a protein packed meal along with dessert. She consumed the ham slices as if she was on death row with a final chance to feel her tongue. So she must be prepared to fly the length of the patch of sky, back and forth. Gerran, Simmons, and my fellow soldiers opt to sit, but I stay standing, posture straight. The anxiety quells once the nymph leads off the ground, wings tucked tight as she goes upward, and then the mighty things separate once she finds a place in the air. Off she flies, a spectacle that could have required binoculars. Mikah's breath catches. Leviys is smug.

Flashes of memories hit me, but I remind myself that this is different. She is different; not the enemy, something else.

Simmons requests that the demonstration ends and Gerran seconds it. Xirna has been laughing with glee but her face shifts as she returns to the ground, rooted.

"Well?" Mikah poses to her Advisors and Servant.

"Fantastic. But it is time to retire. Your parents will be home in five minutes."

"Oh yes." She curtsies to Diti, Eloy, Viev, Alake and me. "Thank you."

It is a call to leave. A feeling of humanity leads me to the nymph and I offer her my hand. She accepts. It is her turn to serve. 

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